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Posts posted by KwameAndCo

  1. Assuming you're on 7.1.

    Go to custom CSS and add:

    // Remove header from specific pages
    // @Squareskills
      #collection, #collection, collection {
        #header {
          display: none;

    Replace  #collection with the collection ID for any page(s) which you'd like to remove the header from. IF you'd like multiple pages, just separate them with commas as in the above example.

    You can get the Chrome Extension to identify collection IDs free from Heather Tovey.

    Let me know if this solves it for you.

  2. My suggestion is to target the entire page using a colleciton ID and remove the bottom margin from all Gallery Blocks on the page - as they seem to only be used for these images.

    For this you would just write:

    #collectionid .slide .margin-wrapper {
    margin-bottom: 0!important;

    Into your custom CSS.

    Be aware, however, that if you intend for the blocks to stack on some screens, you would want to use a media query to target different screen sizes.

  3. Hey there,

    No probs.

    Firstly, here is the code they've used:

    .image-block-outer-wrapper:not(.image-block-v2) .image-block-wrapper:hover {
        box-shadow: 10px 10px #b24936 !important;

    As you can see, you can keep this simple with a box shadow. However, I would make some improvements:

    It's applied to all image blocks on the site, so you might want to be more specific by using an ID e.g.

    #blockid .image-block-wrapper:hover {
        box-shadow: 10px 10px #b24936;

    I've removed the !important as it shouldn't be needed.

    Also if you're using Fluid Engine, you don't need the first part of their CSS.

    If you wanted it to be a bit smoother, you can add a transition like this and just adjust the timing and colour etc to fit you needs.

    // Add transition
    .image-block-wrapper {
        transition: box-shadow .3s ease-in;
    // Add Shadow
    .image-block-wrapper:hover {
        box-shadow: 10px 10px #b24936;

    Let me know if that works!

  4. 18 hours ago, Teddy said:

    Hi @KwameAndCo thanks for this. One issue I am having is the site's theme color is not being applied to the threads icon in the social media block. It works for the header but not in the block on the page.

    Also the social links block on the mobile pop up menu is not being targeted. It still shows the paper clip. 

    You're totally right, quick fixes inbound.

    While @matthewevas solution works for specific sizes, it's a bit longer and more specific than needed. Instead you can either add the "fill: currentColor;" inline to the original SVG (I've updated that in the original post. Or if you'd rather just use CSS you can use:

    .social-icon_threads svg {
      fill: currentColor;

    Part of the reason for adding a custom class was to allow for things like this with nice and DRY CSS. There is no need for the parent class.

    As for the mobile menu, you're totally correct, slipped my mind completely.

    I've updated the original code to target the mobile menu too - thanks for pointing that out.

  5.  Hey all,

    Figured I'd share this as the launch was kinda sudden and I'm sure a few folks will be looking for this solution.

    It can, of course, be easily adapted for other social links like TikTok etc.

    It's a tutorial on how to add the threads icon to your Social Links Blocks and Header Actions.

    In my opinion using Javascript is going to be superior, long term, than the old "Pseudo Elements" approach but both work fine.

    There's a few extra bits in the video as I was making up and testing the code on the spot, so I might do an updated version in the near future but I hope this helps some of y'all.

    For those who aren't interested in the explanation (As it's fairly long) you can just copy and paste the code - though I'll note that the actual code is slightly different on YouTube since it won't allow HTML. It should still work but just in case....

    Here is the actual Javascript used in the video - just pop it into your footer injection (or a code block in your footer could work too).

    <!---- Squareskills Threads Social Link & Custom Icons --->
      //define threads icon
      let threadsIcon = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-label="Threads" viewBox="0 0 192 192" style="fill:currentColor"><path class="x19hqcy" d="M141.537 88.9883C140.71 88.5919 139.87 88.2104 139.019 87.8451C137.537 60.5382 122.616 44.905 97.5619 44.745C97.4484 44.7443 97.3355 44.7443 97.222 44.7443C82.2364 44.7443 69.7731 51.1409 62.102 62.7807L75.881 72.2328C81.6116 63.5383 90.6052 61.6848 97.2286 61.6848C97.3051 61.6848 97.3819 61.6848 97.4576 61.6855C105.707 61.7381 111.932 64.1366 115.961 68.814C118.893 72.2193 120.854 76.925 121.825 82.8638C114.511 81.6207 106.601 81.2385 98.145 81.7233C74.3247 83.0954 59.0111 96.9879 60.0396 116.292C60.5615 126.084 65.4397 134.508 73.775 140.011C80.8224 144.663 89.899 146.938 99.3323 146.423C111.79 145.74 121.563 140.987 128.381 132.296C133.559 125.696 136.834 117.143 138.28 106.366C144.217 109.949 148.617 114.664 151.047 120.332C155.179 129.967 155.42 145.8 142.501 158.708C131.182 170.016 117.576 174.908 97.0135 175.059C74.2042 174.89 56.9538 167.575 45.7381 153.317C35.2355 139.966 29.8077 120.682 29.6052 96C29.8077 71.3178 35.2355 52.0336 45.7381 38.6827C56.9538 24.4249 74.2039 17.11 97.0132 16.9405C119.988 17.1113 137.539 24.4614 149.184 38.788C154.894 45.8136 159.199 54.6488 162.037 64.9503L178.184 60.6422C174.744 47.9622 169.331 37.0357 161.965 27.974C147.036 9.60668 125.202 0.195148 97.0695 0H96.9569C68.8816 0.19447 47.2921 9.6418 32.7883 28.0793C19.8819 44.4864 13.2244 67.3157 13.0007 95.9325L13 96L13.0007 96.0675C13.2244 124.684 19.8819 147.514 32.7883 163.921C47.2921 182.358 68.8816 191.806 96.9569 192H97.0695C122.03 191.827 139.624 185.292 154.118 170.811C173.081 151.866 172.51 128.119 166.26 113.541C161.776 103.087 153.227 94.5962 141.537 88.9883ZM98.4405 129.507C88.0005 130.095 77.1544 125.409 76.6196 115.372C76.2232 107.93 81.9158 99.626 99.0812 98.6368C101.047 98.5234 102.976 98.468 104.871 98.468C111.106 98.468 116.939 99.0737 122.242 100.233C120.264 124.935 108.662 128.946 98.4405 129.507Z"/></svg>';
      //find elements to replace
      document.querySelectorAll('[class*="action--social"] [href*="threads.net"], .sqs-block-socialaccountlinks-v2 [href*="threads.net"]').forEach(element => {
        //add a class to them
        //remove the old icon
        let oldIcon = element.querySelector('svg');
        if (oldIcon) oldIcon.remove();
        //insert new icon
        element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', threadsIcon);
    <!---- End Squareskills Threads Social Link & Custom Icons --->
  6. Potential Fix for anyone still working on this

    I've just had to deal with this for a client. After having no love I've come to the following solution (video should be uploaded in a few minutes):

    I think it works pretty well.

    Open up the image with your inspect tool, hover over the src URL to see the height/width (e.g. 500 x 677) and use that as the aspect ratio in the below.


    /* Kwame's Image + Accordion Zoom Fix */
    #BLOCKID .fluid-image-container.sqs-image-content {
      aspect-ratio: IMAGEASPECTRATIOHERE !important;



    Let me know how it works for you

  7. Check your @font-face declarations:

    @font-face {
    font-family: NeueHaasUnicaW1G-Regular;
    src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62d133022b745d11a9223070/t/6339b37b08415113fc075b75/1664725884064/NeueHaasUnicaW1G-Regular.otf@font-face {);

    you have @font-face { inside the brackets at the end of the font file's URL for both of them which is likely what's causing the issue.

    Remove the two instances and you should be good. Otherwise we'll keep investigating.

  8. 11 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Have you tried install Filter on Portfolio yet?


    You create a Blog and use that for the filter. 

    Then you use clickthrough links to the portfolio pages.

    You're not actually filtering the Portfolio content as that's currently not possible, so the Blog with its tags etc creates a workaround.

  9. 19 hours ago, MissP99 said:

    I'm building out my website. At the top of the website I have a banner slideshow of images. The first photo has a caption - both title and description. I'd like to change just the description font family for this one line.


    As Tuan said, please share the link.

    The code will likely be something along the lines of:

    //Change Banner Slideshow Description Font
    #sectionid .list-item-content__description {
    font-family: "YOURFONT";


  10. Here

    //Custom Footer Hover Animations
    //Center Column
    #footer-sections #block-c8b8e06bb4251545263a a:hover{
    color: blue!important;
    //Right Column
    #footer-sections #block-a07cc8ebb76653972a81 a:hover {
    color: yellow!important;

    That said, it may not work currently as you appear to have the following code somewhere in your CSS:

    #footer-sections a:hover {
        color: #fff !important;

    Which may need removing to prevent it.

    Hopefully my above CSS is specific enough to override though.

  11. Hey @best-instincts

    SQSPThemes has a plugin called "Product Color/Image Swatch Variant" that may be what you're looking for. Easy to use and customise with a bunch of options. I know there's one for text - though it's more focused on using images/colours etc.

    The alternative would be to use Javascript (or jQuery) to turn the "select" into a pair of buttons. Which I'd honestly avoid as it'll be doing essentially the same as the plugin, but more effort and you're writing/maintaining the code yourself.

    p.s. that's an affiliate link so they'll send me a little thank you (at no extra cost) if you do buy it. Here's a non-affiliated link if you want it instead.

  12. Hey @Victor_Tambo

    You are correct. Universal filter only works on other collections and not Portfolios, currently. This is because they cannot be loaded into Summary blocks.

    A workaround is to create a blog version of your projects, and then use a clickthrough URL to your Portfolio pages. It's a bit clunky at first but it works very well and is the best current solution.

    You can see an example (albeit with more customisation) over on PhillPallen.co

  13. Hi @SeanCrafted

    Can you clarify - you're looking to change the font family, correct?

    In that case, the issue is that you're targeting headings and not the navigation links.

    You can add this

    //Change Menu Navigation Font
    .header-nav-item a {
        font-family: 'scriptoriumprimer';

    or just add update your existing code:

    //Assign Custom Fonts
    h1, h2 , h3, h4, 
    .header-nav-item a {
    font-family: 'scriptoriumprimer';

    Please note that this will only fix things for Desktop.

    If you also want mobile you'll also need to use:

    //Change Mobile Menu Font
    .header-menu-nav a {
        font-family: 'scriptoriumprimer';

    Or if you want to keep them grouped

    //Assign Custom Fonts
    h1, h2 , h3, h4, 
    .header-nav-item a,
    .header-menu-nav a {
    font-family: 'scriptoriumprimer';

    You'll see I've split headings, desktop and mobile into separate lines - this is totally optional and is just as I find it makes things clearer when editing but you can put them all on one line too.


    Hope this helps.

  14. You will need to give a more thorough explanation.

    As a rule, if you're looking for help, it's best to provide:

    • Which version you're using
    • Information about the page setup (i.e. what blocks, sections, settings etc you're using)
    • A link to the site/page (password protected if needed)
    • A visual aid such as a wireframe, mockup or screenshot
    • A more precise explanation of your needs ("wide" is incredibly vague)

    Otherwise it's going to be pretty hard to help you as we'd just be guessing.

  15. 12 hours ago, tillie said:

    That code appears to change the image, but it is confined to a smaller bounding box so it cuts it off... any ideas on what might be making that happen? 

    Change cover to contain and it'll fit it inside the box.

    You can adjust height/width properties of the element to make it smaller/larger.

    You may also want to adjust background-position

  16. Your page link doesn't work I'm afraid - it comes up with a 404 - so I can't really offer a good solution until I can actually see the page.

    Regardless, at a guess based on your description, the following will very likely work:

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
      #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1643777114126_12964 {
        img {
          opacity: 0!important;
        .image-block-wrapper::after {
          background: url(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51857413073_1041f8e3eb_o.png);
          background-size: cover;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          opacity: 1 !important;


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