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Blank space on start of home page?

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I found on my home page, as soon as it's loaded, it's like theres suddenly a TON of white space on the right??😯 And the bottom scroll bar goes right across

Only seems to be on homepage. 

Before I posted, I scrolled down the entire page to ensure I had nothing on that side......only to find the more you scroll down, the site then seems to fix itself?

But not everyone will scroll a long way


No idea why this is happening.....anyone seen anything like this before😔😯🤷‍♀️🤔

MASSIVE white space on side.jpg

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It sounds like your homepage might have a hidden or misplaced element causing the extra white space. Check for any elements that might be overflowing or misaligned. Also, ensure your CSS and HTML are clean and free of errors. Using browser developer tools can help identify the issue.


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