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MAP with multiple locations

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  • 3 weeks later...

@tuanphanWere you able to help @BDG with this? I'd also love to know the answer to this one. We're trying to show multiple locations of testing facilities for a client with locations throughout Wisconsin. I tried using Folio to create a map with the intention of embedding it within a Squarespace site, but that didn't quite work as planned. (The Code embed seemed to mess with other parts of the site.)

If you'd like to take a look, I've attached a PNG image the map I created showing one of the hovered-over pins. Right now it only has 8 locations, but the number will increase over time. I'd love your thoughts!

Here's the code that was used, too.


<!DOCTYPE html>
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Kerry Pinkner, Public Services Mgr.</div>`)[0];


                     Waukesha Public Library
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                     St. Croix Falls Public Library
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            var marker_ad93a483355048651d705183e73fc2ce = L.marker(
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                     Kenosha Public Library
                {"sticky": true}
            var marker_9bcd271393cc29d918e2e26940d6828d = L.marker(
                [43.9512716, -88.0958913],
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            var html_517c653490bb3c7641d5caf08ab5012f = $(`<div id="html_517c653490bb3c7641d5caf08ab5012f" style="width: 100.0%; height: 100.0%;"><b>New Holstein Public Library</b><br>2115 Washington St, New Holstein, WI 53061<br>D Hankins, Director</div>`)[0];


                     New Holstein Public Library
                {"sticky": true}
            var marker_c66e9ef648ba444a8f3418bb0625803f = L.marker(
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            var html_183ec80040979797c04609373e372f3e = $(`<div id="html_183ec80040979797c04609373e372f3e" style="width: 100.0%; height: 100.0%;"><b>Brown County Library</b><br>515 Pine Street, Green Bay, Green Bay, WI 54301<br>Danielle Zeamer, Library Associate
Sarah Sugden, Executive Director</div>`)[0];


                     Brown County Library
                {"sticky": true}
            var marker_dacd66c28bc1aa91a5fd890591668590 = L.marker(
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            var html_8f0420b4652798653ee654ab03d2d204 = $(`<div id="html_8f0420b4652798653ee654ab03d2d204" style="width: 100.0%; height: 100.0%;"><b>Appleton Public Library</b><br>3000 E. College Avenue, Appleton, WI 54915<br>Tasha Saeker, Assistant Director
Colleen Rortvedt, Director</div>`)[0];


                     Appleton Public Library
                {"sticky": true}
            var marker_04b8dcbd93e590f504f7ea47650ec27e = L.marker(
                [43.0136017, -89.288265],
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            var html_5a4297b2918064dcc34257460e04a7fc = $(`<div id="html_5a4297b2918064dcc34257460e04a7fc" style="width: 100.0%; height: 100.0%;"><b>E.D. Locke Public Library</b><br>5920 Milwaukee St., McFarland, WI 53558<br>Heidi Cox, Director</div>`)[0];


                     E.D. Locke Public Library
                {"sticky": true}
            var marker_7df97020dd0cde9a2ae41f05e2df55ff = L.marker(
                [43.847378, -88.8392248],
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                     Ripon Public Library
                {"sticky": true}


Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 7.51.27 AM.png

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/17/2024 at 4:53 AM, lottydotty said:

I tried using Folio to create a map with the intention of embedding it within a Squarespace site, but that didn't quite work as planned. (The Code embed seemed to mess with other parts of the site.)

The first issue is that the document you are embedding is a full HTML page. An HTML page within an HTML will cause issues. There can only be one HTML document and Squarespace has already generated it.

Find my contributions useful? Please like, upvote, mark my answer as the best ( solution ), and see my profile. Thanks for your support! I am a Squarespace ( and other technological things ) consultant open for new projects.

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