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Anchor links jump past associated code block

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I've created anchor links to navigate to various sections within a page, they somewhat work but when clicked they jump to below the designated code block so the user finds themself in the middle of the section, not at the section head where I want them to land. This is in a trial site, is it a glitch that will resolve with publishing or does anyone have another solution?


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Hi, please share your site url as it's hard to tell what the issue is otherwise. You can set up a password on unpublished sites. 

Without looking, it sounds like it's jumping to the anchor link which would position to to of the screen. But if there is a header,  to of the screen = behind the header. If that is the case, you'll need to set an offset from the top so that jumps to the section plus x amount down to go past the header. 

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
e: melody@melodylee.tech

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5 hours ago, TiffanyD said:

@melody495 That's the solution I needed, thank you!

You're very welcome! Please do mark my post as the solution to help others find the answer easier 🙂

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
e: melody@melodylee.tech

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