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Moving a site from Wordpress to Squarespace?

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Hey all - random question for you SQSP experts out there I'm looking for input.
I have ~10 sites on SQSP. Some are mine, some are my clients. Really happy with SQSP. Been using it for 6+ years. Most of my sites are small business related (foxhavenphoto.com is one of my biz websites)
I also have one website on Wordpress that I've owned for 8 years. It's largely a content site / guide with ~110 individual pages. Some ecommerce capabilities. Gets about 700 visitors a day through SEO (whatsthiscloud.com - an informational guide on cloud identification)
Keeping this WP site updated w/ all the plugins, hosting, updating the theme constantly, etc. has become a chore. I'm considering moving it to SQSP for ease of use.
Questions are:
1) is this a good idea?
2) has anyone here done something like this before?
3) it might be a lot of work. I could do it myself, but has anyone hired someone to move a site from WP to SQSP?
Any help/thoughts/insight are appreciated!
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@FoxhavenGreg Hey Greg, I've done big Wordpress transfers to Squarespace before many times, and kept or improved existing search ranking as far as SEO as well. 

It would likely be quite a bit of work, as you've got a lot of pages, but with Saved Sections and duplication of pages, once we get the design set up, it should be relatively easy to build the rest. I can understand how it's constantly a chore to maintain this site in Wordpress and I would agree it would be much easier to maintain in Squarespace.

I've done a lot of bigger migrations, here's one I just finished recently: dingsmotionusa.com

Would love to chat with you if you're interested in talking more about the project and getting a quote, or to just consult as you do it yourself. We could keep the same design to keep some of the cost down, but I could see this being a 3-4 week project based on the number of pages and amount of content. I'd also recommend SEOSpace to maintain the SEO searchability, and 301 redirects in case we change any of the URLs. I've done all this stuff before many times, so feel free to reach out.


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  • 3 months later...

Would love to piggyback off this thread and get some advice from @justin.mabee about moving a site from WP  to SQSP:

Hey there, fellow Squarespace enthusiasts! I'm reaching out to this amazing community to ask for some advice on a project I'm tackling for a very special client – my wonderful wife, Miss Beefy! 💕
She's currently using a WordPress site that's proven to be a bit too complex for her needs (I wasn't the creator). I'm certain that I can create a more user-friendly experience for her by rebuilding the site on the Squarespace platform.
For those of you who have experience migrating sites, I would truly appreciate your insight on the following:
Pricing: What do you think is a reasonable rate to charge for a project like this?
Timeline: How long have similar migrations taken you in the past?
I'll share the link to the current site for reference. Thank you all in advance for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Your feedback is invaluable to me, and I can't wait to make this transition a success for Miss Beefy! 🚀


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Sorry I didn't see this right away!

Here's some of my initial takeaways:
- It's 100 pages, so not a small site; but it's a good bit of blog posts too, so as long as the blog import from WP to SQSP comes over cleanly, that part should be taken care of pretty easily. There's a chance, given my experience with these imports, that it won't be clean, so I always recommend grabbing the blog post export and running it through import in a fresh SQSP site first, to see how clean it comes over. *ps, what I mean by clean is how much comes over without code. Often when using a lot of plugins or custom code on WP, the blog imports don't come over correctly, so you'll get all the posts but it's just a giant wall of code on each post. At that point, you'd have to rebuild all the posts, drastically changing the cost of the site build.

- Things like the Mortgage Calculator on the home page are a pain to make work in Squarespace, if at all. I've used ConvertCalculator before but it's an extra cost each month which kind of makes the point moot. If she's good with going without that, it would be better to not have it on the SQSP site since it's hard to remake.

- After a quick glance at pages, beside the Mortgage Calculator, the only other thing that stands out to me is the booking scheduler, which you could easily switch her over to Acuity if she's happy with how the current one functions.

Everything else looks pretty straightforward, so with the number of pages, it would depend really for me on how the blog comes over. If it comes over completely clean (meaning we don't need to edit anything at all), I could see charging (with my experience and speed) $6000. 

If the blog needs a lot of lifting to clean up and make look nice, easily add at least $2500-$4000. 

Migrations like this can typically take me 3-4 weeks, more if the blog isn't clean.

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  • 1 month later...

@justin.mabee You're clearly a wealth of knowledge, so I'm going to hit you with one more question on this thread if you're willing to answer.

When transferring your domain from WordPress (WP Engine) to Squarespace, will there be downtime where your visitors cannot see your website and how can you mitigate this downtime?

I'm doing a website redesign for a client and I want to move them to Squarespace from WordPress. Their website is really uncomplicated at present, so the redesign will be very easy, but I'm worried about the domain transfer.

Thank you!

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