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Everything posted by justin.mabee

  1. @K4NDY No, the client decided not to go with Squarespace because the ecommerce was lacking and this kind of functionality was native for other platforms.
  2. @Andrew101 Sorry I didn't see this right away! Here's some of my initial takeaways: - It's 100 pages, so not a small site; but it's a good bit of blog posts too, so as long as the blog import from WP to SQSP comes over cleanly, that part should be taken care of pretty easily. There's a chance, given my experience with these imports, that it won't be clean, so I always recommend grabbing the blog post export and running it through import in a fresh SQSP site first, to see how clean it comes over. *ps, what I mean by clean is how much comes over without code. Often when using a lot of plugins or custom code on WP, the blog imports don't come over correctly, so you'll get all the posts but it's just a giant wall of code on each post. At that point, you'd have to rebuild all the posts, drastically changing the cost of the site build. - Things like the Mortgage Calculator on the home page are a pain to make work in Squarespace, if at all. I've used ConvertCalculator before but it's an extra cost each month which kind of makes the point moot. If she's good with going without that, it would be better to not have it on the SQSP site since it's hard to remake. - After a quick glance at pages, beside the Mortgage Calculator, the only other thing that stands out to me is the booking scheduler, which you could easily switch her over to Acuity if she's happy with how the current one functions. Everything else looks pretty straightforward, so with the number of pages, it would depend really for me on how the blog comes over. If it comes over completely clean (meaning we don't need to edit anything at all), I could see charging (with my experience and speed) $6000. If the blog needs a lot of lifting to clean up and make look nice, easily add at least $2500-$4000. Migrations like this can typically take me 3-4 weeks, more if the blog isn't clean.
  3. @kuulumo Building a proper community isn't available natively in Squarespace with Member Sites. You can do a membership, but for a proper community with a forum, tasks, comments, feedback, etc, you'd need something like https://circle.so/. There really aren't any other decent options that exist outside of that, or a private Facebook group.
  4. Hi Tanya! So the reason you're seeing this white space is because the height of your page is shorter than the height of your browser. Since you don't have a footer (from what it looks like from the screenshot) Squarespace fills in this extra space to make the website fit into the browser window. If you want this to take up the whole space of the window, you'll want to increase the height of the section. But keep in mind, if your site is viewed on another browser that has a taller height, the white space will still be there. There isn't a way to remove this for all browser sizes, as far as I know.
  5. Is it possible you're using a VPN or some kind of extension on your browser? Have you tried multiple browsers? Sometimes the integration fails during check out due to these items.
  6. You could use Typeform, GravityForms, Jotform. There are plenty of options. Squarespace just doesn't support this at the moment.
  7. Squarewebsites Chrome Extension is the only way to do this right now.
  8. Hi there! First off, you're not alone in this. I have clients all the time trying to figure this stuff out, and it's not always clear what path should be taken. So kudos to you for reaching out for help! 1 - It is not necessary to set up a member site and paywall in order to password protect pages. You can simply password-protect the individual page(s) on your site, and then give those passwords for those pages to your members. This is done in the settings (gear icon) of each individual page you want to protect. 2 - See above 3 - The unfortunate part with this password protection solution is that you have no way of preventing your members from sharing the password(s) with non-members. And, you cannot track who is on the site to prevent non-members from accessing protected content. So with the above in mind, you would think that a member site and paywall in Squarespace would suffice, correct? Unfortunately, if you make the member site/paywall free, anyone with the link to the login/create account page can create a free account. You're unable to approve members with member sites. So what do we do? Some options -- You could password protect the page where your members go to sign up for free to access their member portal. This is a bit more secure, but you're still subject to members sharing the password for the page to non-members. You could try a different service, like Memberspace, to protect your member content, making a free plan, but set it up where you have to approve each member. While Squarespace's member sites don't allow for manual approval of each new member, Memberspace does. Using this method, if a non-member tries to create an account, you can remove their request because you have to approve all members. I've set up Memberspace for a lot of clients before, so I can help you implement it if you'd like. I think the second option is going to be the most secure for you. Let me know if you have additional questions!
  9. Hi there! Are you using Acuity Scheduling for booking? Could you share a screenshot of the dates you're trying to hide?
  10. Unfortunately, this isn't an option in Squarespace as far as I know. Those tag created pages are not editable, as they are autogenerated.
  11. I would add the weight of the item to the product, and then in shipping you can determine the length, width, and height of the box. That should be enough. With the overcharging thing, if you are on advanced commerce there should be an option for it to decide based on their cart checkout how many boxes it can be shipped in, based on the weight, length, width, and height combined.
  12. Gallery pages don't allow for titles or additional text on them, as they're pretty restrictive. My usual way around this is to shrink as much of the top padding as I need to, and add a small section above the gallery page with a title and/or text intro.
  13. You shouldn't have to worry about it, especially if you build the columns and then check out they're looking on mobile. I would just break out the list into columns.
  14. Hi there! There's really no reason to use code for this, if you're using Fluid Engine and not Classic Editor. You should be able to just split the text block into two text boxes, (71 items in each) and put them next to each other. On mobile, you can orient them next to each other in length order to eliminate the additional spacing between the two blocks. Or, you can make two columns on mobile as well. Included a couple screenshots here, if it helps.
  15. Hey there! This should get you there. You have to target the specific link itself, which is why we had to add the 'a'. .header-nav .header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content .header-nav-folder-item a { color: blue; }
  16. Hey Taylor! So this is a bit complicated because it's hard to specifically target just the dropdown itself, but what I was able to do was target the item itself. I've included the code for the product page itself, and then for the product block (which is what you have a screenshot of here). This should get you there! .ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper, .ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input input { font-family: ''; } .product-block .productDetails .product-variants .variant-option { font-family: ''; }
  17. Hi there! In the navigation, your header button is not unique per page. It's similar to the footer, where all the links remain the same on every page. If you want to change the navigation or links per page, you could try a dual CTA (giving you two buttons on the header, but these would be the same on every page), or use @WillMyers Site Nav Replacer plugin, which I've used before and works really well!
  18. Sorry didn't see this response. Yes, you'd likely have to remove the wavy border for this to bleed properly.
  19. If you click on the form block, then Design, and then Edit Form Styles, from there you can customize all of the form styles. But this may not translate to the lightbox form, so try this out. Obviously change the fonts or remove the font lines entirely if you don't need them, same with text-transforms. //Lightbox Form// .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .lightbox-inner .lightbox-content { background: #090b09 !important; border: 1px solid #e7e64d; } .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .lightbox-inner .lightbox-content .lightbox-close { color: #e7e64d; } .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .lightbox-inner .lightbox-content .form-wrapper .form-title { font-family: 'Quantify Bold'; text-transform: uppercase; color: white; } .form-wrapper .field-list .title, .form-wrapper .field-list .field .caption { font-family: 'Nexa Bold'; text-transform: uppercase; color: white !important; } .sqs-modal-lightbox .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .sqs-button-element--primary { background-color: #e7e64d; color: black; font-family: 'Nexa Bold'; } .form-wrapper .react-form-contents .field-list .fields .description.required, .form-wrapper .react-form-contents .field-list .description.required, .form-wrapper .react-form-contents .field-list p.description, .form-wrapper .react-form-contents .field-list .caption-text:not(:empty) { font-family: 'Nexa Bold'; color: white; } .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .lightbox-inner .lightbox-content .form-wrapper { background-color: black; }
  20. @NoodlesOnTop You'd create a separate blog roll altogether. So instead of adding the testimonials to the main blog roll, you create a separate one just for the testimonials and pull from that. Check out this example from Ghost Plugins.
  21. Yes, this isn't an option with the poster block, so you'll have to write custom code. This should get you there: .sqs-block-image .design-layout-poster .image-card { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 15%; padding: 10px; }
  22. Unfortunately you can't add people manually to a course using Member Sites. Members have to sign up themselves, so this likely wouldn't work for you. What I'd recommend is looking into Memberspace, which is a third-party service that can protect your content in a similar way to Member Sites, but it gives you more control. With Memberspace, you can add people manually, so you could have people sign up and then add them to a plan manually. There isn't a way to limit the number of people who sign up, but you can keep it private and just invite manually. I've done this for several clients so feel free to reach out if you need help.
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