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CSS or similar to add Captions to POPPED images from lightbox

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Hi, more like a caption on a slide within a lightbox. Am newbie to this but have found various threads on the same issue. Something similar to https://www.clairebaily.com/one would be amazing. I have used CSS from other entries by you successfully to get caption onto images within a lightbox. With the example I cite, the caption rollover expanding to the image width is very appealing, and I see this is somehow using wrapper?

Thanks for your reply!

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On 10/24/2023 at 1:28 AM, JimOldman said:

I am using personal right now at a trial level

site is here:https://lute-lychee-5bck.squarespace.com/config/pages

password jdtest1

page to view would be paintings. I have a border around the image and am wondering if it is possible to set the caption within this border, align left on a dark ground, so each caption "box" will size to the image width?

/config is url for site owner, if you open page in edit mode >> Look at top right or top left > There is an arrow > Click on it > real url will appear on browser address bar.

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

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