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I've been told my site is overwhelming - do you agree with the feedback I've been given?

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Hi Squarespace forumites,

I launched my site a few weeks ago, and have been asking people I know for feedback. I got a lot of useful comments suggesting small changes which I've already implemented, and some bigger feedback which I'm not sure if I should - or even can - follow. 

This is the site: www.previewstudio.co.uk 

Background: The idea behind Preview Studio is that we provide quick and cheap 'sketch' designs for home renovations entirely remotely, by using photogrammetry from phone videos to build 3D models of the existing home.  It's a different kind of architecture business - usually architects visit the site, make a measured survey, have a long discussion with the clients about their aspirations, and ultimately take the project through the process of getting approvals and then overseeing the build. In contrast we JUST do the initial design, and don't go any further, and try and streamline the process to the point where we can do turn around a project in 1 or 2 days, and therefore charge a very low fee compared to doing things the traditional way. 

The feedback: I watched my friend, who works in marketing, go through the site for the first time more or less in real time, and her initial reaction within a few seconds of clicking around was that there is too much content, and too much to read. She clicked into the shop page and said she wouldn't know where to start because there were so many choices. This was particularly disheartening to hear because there is really only one 'product' - the 'Preview Studio Pack' and everything else in the shop are optional extras that add onto that base product. This is explained in many places across the site. However she didn't read any of the text, and I believe that probably a lot of potential customers would behave the same way.   Ultimately she said that I should basically replace the button that leads to the shop with a phone number and try and get people to call instead of reading the site and using the shop. 

So my questions to you all are:

  • Is there too much text?
  • Is there a way to direct people to the main product first, without presenting them with all the optional extras at the same time?
  • Should I replace my call to action button, which leads to the shop, with a phone number?

All feedback would be much appreciated!

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Hi @AdamJ

It is quite text heavy, but I think some design tweaks would help.


  • Overall, I would add more white space to give the design more breathing room.
  • Remove the text overlay on the rotating image in the header section. It's busy and moves too quickly to easily be read.
  • The second section (plans, numbers, images, etc.) could be broken into two rows (a 3x2 grid).
  • Six steps within the "how it works" section feels overwhelming. Could you reduce the content to 3-4 steps?
  • There are some gaps in the Case Studies section between the paragraph text and button. 
  • The header CTA totally depends on your main offer. Are products your primary offer, or do you want clients to book a call to discuss a project? 


  • Break this information into two sections so the text feels less blocky. The first section could be more about the brand and what you offer, and the second section could be about the founders and people behind the brand.


  • I would reduce the text size a little.


  • The posts and text feel quite close together. Can you add a little more white space?


I am a little confused about your offer. If you had 1-3 products, using a store to sell services would be more user-friendly, but with so many products it's a little confusing what to buy, when to buy it, and how the process works.

I think I would encourage customers to reach out to you so you can discuss options with them and send an invoice for the core product + add ons. 

If you don't want to invoice them, you can set up the store with just your core offer. After they purchase your core offer, you can redirect them to a hidden store page with the add-on products (tutorial here). 

Let me know if this all makes sense!

— Hannah

Studio Founded

A brand designer & strategist creating brands that bridge the gaps between artistry, strategy, and thoughtful consideration. Creator of Studio Founded, a digital resource library for purposeful business owners. 
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Hi Hannah, 

Wow, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate you taking the time. 

You've more or less confirmed most of what I was getting from my friend - now I just have to try and implement your advice on the design for the site.  

Multiple stores

I did not realise - until you told me - that there could be more than one store, but that is probably the solution!  I can direct everyone to Store A first, which has our one core product - very easy to understand -  and then from there get them to Store B which has the add-ons.  I think you really may have unlocked something for me here! 

Call to action

Regarding the CTA - ideally I would like people to order the service first, and then we have the phone conversation part way through the process, once we've had a look at their home, because I think that would be the most efficient workflow for us. But there are probably a lot of people out there who, like my friend, would rather talk to someone BEFORE they put their credit card information in.  I'm not sure how to square that circle, other than perhaps to add a phone number in the header and footer, so that its highly visible, but not the actual CTA? 

White space 

I like your tips on white space and visual simplification - from looking at your own website I can see that it is very much part of your own aesthetic, and I think it would work better for our brand too. 

It might take me a while to implement these changes, but I'll be posting here when I do. 

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Actually, after going back to the shop page I discovered the collections functionality, and think I could use that to guide the customer through the purchase process with only a single shop. 

I have created a collection with the core pack, and then collections for the add-ons. I can link directly to the core pack collection from the home page (and everywhere I put my CTA button), so customers only see the one product at first.   You can see the revised functionality on the home page now, or directly in the shop

I think ideally the shop would have the core pack up the top, and then the menu of of add-ons below it, as per my mock-up attached, but I think that probably isn't possible in Squarespace. 

Preview Studio Shop Mockup.jpg

Edited by AdamJ
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Hi @AdamJ 

So pleased it was helpful!

Re. your mockup — totally possible, you can add a product block to a section above your products on the store page. 

P.S. I've been updating my own site today and know how much of a pain it can be to go back and forth on changes! If you'd like help with it I can clean up and simplify a lot of your site in a couple of hours.

— Hannah

Studio Founded

A brand designer & strategist creating brands that bridge the gaps between artistry, strategy, and thoughtful consideration. Creator of Studio Founded, a digital resource library for purposeful business owners. 
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22 hours ago, studiofounded said:

Re. your mockup — totally possible, you can add a product block to a section above your products on the store page. 

Very interesting! I'll look into that. Another great tip, thank you Hannah.

Also, I've PM'd you about your offer to help clean up and simplify the site. 

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