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Unable to edit blog title font on actual blog post

Go to solution Solved by amandaclairef,

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Hi there, I've tried some custom CSS but the problem persists. The title font on my blog posts (on the post itself) is the font from the *original* template, and I can't seem to change it! I started with a template (I think it was called Brine), but I've made several changes to it.

Here is the title font I want to use, Rooney Sans, on the list of blog posts

But when you click over to the post itself, you see the title is in Rubik

If anyone has found a fix, I'd love to try it! Thanks 😄

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Is Rooney Sans a font in Squarespace? If so, you can change the blog post title in Section Styles - go to Fonts > Assign Styles > scroll down to Blog Post then click Title. It's automatically set to your header font, but you can go in and change it to Custom then select from the squarespace fonts.

If it's a custom font you've added, try this - it changes it on my end:

.BlogItem-title {
  font-family: rooney-sans !important;


If this helped you, please like or mark my solution as answer so others can scroll to it quickly 👆

Cass Aggett is a Squarespace website designer for go-getting women – no matter what stage of business.



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On 9/10/2023 at 6:55 PM, CassAggett said:

Is Rooney Sans a font in Squarespace? If so, you can change the blog post title in Section Styles - go to Fonts > Assign Styles > scroll down to Blog Post then click Title. It's automatically set to your header font, but you can go in and change it to Custom then select from the squarespace fonts.

If it's a custom font you've added, try this - it changes it on my end:

.BlogItem-title {
  font-family: rooney-sans !important;


That seems to have done the trick, thank you so much! Have a great week.

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