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Making an image appear when you hover over a drop-down menu link

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Hey all, looking for coding help regarding a drop-down menu on my site's homepage. 

Is it possible to make an image appear when you hover over the links inside of the drop-down menu? For example, when you hover over "Seattle Kraken - Fear the Deep" you see an image appear near it in the white space. 

This is my website: https://www.ozziecw.com

This is the coding I'm using for the drop-down menu:



<select id="archive-pages" onchange="window.open ( this.value, '_self' );">

<option value="#">
<option value="/popeyesclw">
    Popeyes - Crunchy Little Weirdos 
<option value="/seattle-kraken-fear-the-deep">
    Seattle Kraken - Fear the Deep
<option value="/popeyessocial">
    Popeyes Social
<option value="/minutemaid">
    Minute Maid - Refreshing Bumpers

<option value="/mercury-insurance">
    Mercury Insurance - Out of Home
<option value="/nypostspecwork">
    Spec Work - NY Post
<option value="/about-ozzie">
    ozzie nunez


Thank you! what do you think?

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On 5/15/2023 at 2:20 AM, on1771 said:

Hey there's no password to the homepage. Just removed that link you clicked. 

Here's the link to my site: https://www.ozziecw.com

That link requires a password. You can check again

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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