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New Subscriber notification

Go to solution Solved by Heather-MissionTwist,

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Just chiming in to keep this on the Squarespace front burner.  I didn't even CONSIDER that this wouldn't have been a standard feature.  I've been busy working on my startup and "out of sight, out of mind." Came to my SS account to check on things and WHAT???  I missed a subscriber from five months ago.  UGH!

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  • 1 month later...

Adding my name to the (growing!) list of customers requesting this function please. With a new and growing list, I want to be on top of new subscriber activity and making sure they're looked after/ delivered etc, in addition to my automation. Please allow us to be notified when we gain new subscribers.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Adding my two pence to the discussion - I would really like this feature to know when I get a new subscriber to my email list without having to go to my SS Marketing page. I would also like an option to allow people to sign up for different options eg Marketing only, Blog only

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have tried to set up the Google sheet notification but it's not working for me. What am I missing? The sheet notification setting I have entered is for any change > email straight away.
How do I get this to work?
Thanks in advance if you are able to solve this for me,

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I want email notifications of email subscriber sign-ups (and for them to be saved in a list somewhere). I've seen the Google Sheets notification option described here but couldn't get it working end-to-end.

Reason seems to be that although the Google Sheet is created and entries are made by the Squarespace email sign-up form, Google Sheet notifications fire only when changed by someone other than the owner of the spreadsheet.

Because I'm connecting as the Owner when I connect to Google Sheets as the storage option, the sheet is created and entries are made but the notification won't fire (well, it didn't for me).

A workaround was to share the Google Sheet with a different Gmail account and set the notifications from that account. In other words:

1. In SQ, you connect the email sign-up form storage to Google Sheets using Google account "A". The notifications won't fire because the Sheet is created by "A".

2. Google account "A" shares the Sheet with separate Google account "B"

2. Google account "B" can now set notifications on that shared sheet and will receive them when account "A" makes changes (by adding rows through the Squarespace email sign-up form)

Ridiculously complicated workaround / hack but I wanted a list AND notifications. Seems Squarespace is content with providing either a list (email sign-ups) OR notification emails (contact forms). But not both 🤔

Another benefit is that it's much easier to manage rows in a Google sheet than Squarespaces contacts management.

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Another option I found is to use Zapier. I know this adds extra steps but I got it working. If Google Sheets Notifications are not working with you and you use Zapier you can do the following. 

After you get Squarespace to add the emails in Google Sheets head to Zapier. Create a new Zap. Select for the trigger Google Sheets -> chose the first event "New or Updated Spreadsheet Row" -> Log into your Google account -> Select the Spreadsheet that saves the emails -> select "Sheet1" (or the name you assigned for the Worksheet) and for Trigger column leave it as it is -> Test it and you will get information from the Worksheet -> select any of it.

For the Action choose from the "Built-in-tools" the option "Email by Zapier" -> select the only event that appears -> Fill the fields "To" and "Subject" so where the mail should be sent and a subject that you can recognize what it is about -> For "Body" write something like "The email is: " and choose the email option that Zapier shows you, this will be the email that someone left in the popup in Squarespace so you know who to contact -> After that Test it and you should get an email. 

When the Zap is published and someone  fills the popup on Squarespace the Google Sheet will be filled and after 3 - 5 minutes the Zap will take action and send an email with the information of the email sent.

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