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Everything posted by YLE

  1. I just customised the login link on the desktop version to look like a button using the code below, but it is not showing on the mobile version. Could someone help me have the same button on the mobile navigation page too please? Here is the code I used for desktop version: .header-display-desktop a.user-accounts-text-link { background-color: #F6F0E1 !important; color: #282828 !important; padding: 15px 40px; border-radius: 50px; border: 1px solid #282828; } And here's the password to my website: YLE2024!
  2. Great, thank you so much for all your help!
  3. Thank you so much! I'm so sorry for a lot of questions but is there a way to make sure that the number in the quantity is in the middle and not on the left side?
  4. It worked! Thank you so much! If you don't mind me asking something else too, on the same page as you can see in the previous screenshot, the quantity box is square but I'd like to match the rounded shape to match the colours and sizes, is that possible? Thank you.
  5. It's YLE2024! https://chihuahua-teal-dxkr.squarespace.com/config/?frameUrl=%2F
  6. https://chihuahua-teal-dxkr.squarespace.com/config/ Is this it?
  7. Hi, I can't change the colour of selected buttons so once it's clicked, the text has the same colour as the button and you can't see the text. Can I ask the way to change this please? Thank you!
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