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  1. @paul2009 - So, if I understand this correctly, it is currently not possible to upload photos directly from the phone app and instead the pictures would need to be uploaded from a computer, then later from the phone can be moved around between pages, correct?
  2. Ah, good to know. The reason for my question is because I'm currently in the trial period using the ORANSSI template and the Portfolio collection and I'm trying to create new projects and upload photos from the iPhone app but I don't see the option to upload photos or the option to create new projects.
  3. I have a client who would like to be able to upload photos to his website right from his phone. The idea is to have a page where this client will be showing his projects, what he would like to do is be able to create a new project where he could upload pictures related to the project and possibly a short description of the project, is this something that can be done by using one of the Squarespace templates? If yes, what would be the right template to use? Thanks!
  4. Thank you for your comments. My question is specifically for the Squarespace template called ORANSSI, I feel you provided a generic answer, I'm familiar with WordPress, Joomla, and other CMS systems as well as proficient with HTML/CSS/JS, but in this case, I want to start using Squarespace. I cannot find any documentation for the ORANSSI template.
  5. I'm currently in the trial period using the ORANSSI template and I have a question. I'm using the Portfolio collection and I'm trying to create new projects and upload photos from the iPhone app but I don't see the option to upload photos nor the option to create new projects. Can someone please confirm that it's not possible to create and upload photos to the Portfolio collection from the iPhone app? If that's not possible what would be the right template alternative to be able to create a similar page of projects and add photos. One of the requirements from my client is that he needs to be able to create new projects to show some pictures directly from his phone. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Makes sense. I guess I'll need to give it a try to see its limitations. Now, what would be the right wat to open up accounts for clients, should they open their own account and then provide the login credentials to whoever needs to work on or can someone act as the administrator and open the account for them? Are there any admin tools?
  7. Got it, now, what would be the limitations as far as making it custom, can you actually create pages by writing your own HTML/CSS/JS?
  8. And just to be clear, I would just need to upload 2-3 existing HTML/CSS pages. So no modification can be done offline using a third party code editor, all modifications must be done online, within Squarespace?
  9. Thank you for the answers. What I mean with custom design is, if I can upload an existing design/website, basically move an existing website to Squarespace, is that possible?
  10. Hi, I'm currently considering Squarespace to host one of my clients sites but I'm wondering if Squarespace can be customized so, I have the following question. First of all let me start by saying that I'm proficient in HTML and CSS and some JS. 1. Is it possible to upload a custom design and not use any of the templates offered by Squarespace? 2. My plan is to use a custom design for the main pages and incorporate some parts of Squarespace, is this possible? 3. One of the parts I would like to use from Squarespace is some sort of picture gallery page where the client can easily upload pictures, does Squarespace offer someway for customers to easily upload pictures from his/her phones? 4. Can an existing domain name be transferred? 5. Does Squarespace offers some sort of custom email services? 6. Does Squarespace offer some sort of contact form that can be easily integrated to a page? Thank you very much in advance!
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