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    WidleStudioLLP reacted to tuanphan in Adjust width of newsletter form fields in stack layout   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    /* Home newsletter */ body.homepage { .newsletter-form-fields-wrapper.form-fields { width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .newsletter-form-fields-wrapper.form-fields>* { max-width: 100% !important; } .newsletter-form-field-wrapper { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; } .newsletter-form-button { width: 100% !important; }}  
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    WidleStudioLLP reacted to CityNet in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    We have a custom form on our website for donors to give, and the additional information field includes info to which specific fund they want to give. However, when that donation is processed through Stripe, the additional information field is not reported. Thus, for our accountants to have knowledge of which fund the money should go to, they cannot see it in our Stripe reports. Any ideas as to how to get this additional information which is very important reported over to Stripe in all transactions?
  3. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Willdoes in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    We have exactly the same problem!  I wanted to also export all the information to a csv but the additional information doesn't download making my life very difficult.  Hopefully they will change it.
  4. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to maryb0wen in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Without the additional fields, accounting is nearly impossible for our organization. When we receive a donation online, we enable the donor to choose where the funds are applied. This is the donation type field. Right now, the donation type field is only coming through in disparate email receipts (1 email per donor). We need it in a reportable format... I'm shocked that these fields are not in the donations csv file that Squarespace offers. 
    Has anybody found creative ways to solve for this?
  5. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to LBennett in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Add my name to the people who find this a giant pain! Please Squarespace-- you collect this info, please allow us to access it in the csv download!!!
  6. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to sruss76 in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    You're going to have to create a ticket to customer care about this. They don't read and/or count requests posted here on the forums. 
  7. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to BESCAVPTech in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    This is a huge problem for us too. I've asked squarespace and they say they submitted the request, but I don't expect a change. I wonder if there's a way to use curl and script the process of clicking each item in the donation list to view and grab the additional information?
  8. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to PhantomRide in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Plus one. Same problem.
  9. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to cbroad in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Same problem, and this is a huge issue. Can't believe they haven't fixed it yet. Squarespace, are you listening?!
  10. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Willdoes in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    I have raised a few tickets and still nothing!
  11. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to sruss76 in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    yeah, you will often see people here (including me sometimes) say to create a ticket with customer care about the features you want added -- because that's what SQSP says is the "official" way to make requests. however, they will tell you they don't guarantee your requests will be implemented. to be honest, i think it's all lip service because i've yet to see them really listen to their customers, especially to their existing/paying ones. you'll find many requests dating back YEARS and they've been ignored. i've never come across a more unresponsive company than Squarespace.
  12. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to PhantomRide in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Plus one. Same problem. Frustrating!
  13. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to LMstudio in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    Is there a plan in place to fix this issue? Unbelievable that it doesn't export ALL form information!
  14. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to allisonstratton820 in Additional Information Field in Donations Form   
    I also created 2 tickets. This is a huge problem. Has anyone been successful scraping the email for the information?
  15. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to tuanphan in Change Text in Custom Form Button   
    Add this code to 10-member Page Header
    <style> .form-button-wrapper:after { content: "Next Step"; background: #b94941; font-family: calluna-sans !important; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; color: white; padding: 0.5em 2.5em; border-radius: 300px; position: absolute; left: 0; min-width: 125px; pointer-events: none; text-align: center; } .form-button-wrapper { position: relative; } </style> Because CSS can't rename text, so my idea is create new button then move it overlap current button

  16. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to paul2009 in Curious to know more about Developer mode   
    The best advice I can give is to document your requirements (or your client's requirements) and then decide how you can meet each one.
    Can they be met with built in features on version 7.1? Use 7.1. Can they be met with custom code? Use Code Injection and Custom CSS. Do they require access to the server/backend? Use a different platform (not Squarespace). Can they only be met with Developer Mode (DM)? Use DM on the older v7.0 platform. In summary, I would only recommend building a site on Squarespace 7.0 with DM in 2023/2024 if the requirements can only be met by using DM. Once you enable DM, the site's template will never be updated by Squarespace, so this can present many future maintenance challenges.
    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️ 
  17. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to melody495 in Curious to know more about Developer mode   
    Hi @Bhavik not sure what you mean by "later changing the user interface", but I wouldn't suggest it as a use case for building a website for clients. Depends on your clients, but most people won't be familiar with coding enough to use developer mode. And once developer mode is turned on, you can't turn it off without losing all custom code. 
    Before deciding, you should read the SquareSpace docs thoroughly. You should be able to find all of your answers and much more from there. 
    Tldr; wouldn't recommend unless you have a very specific use case and you've understood the consequences of turning developer mode on (and off). 
  18. Love
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to paul2009 in Curious to know more about Developer mode   
    Hi @Bhavik Can you explain what you want to be able to do? You can add JavaScript, HTML and CSS to Squarespace sites without using Developer Mode.
    Also, in case you aren't aware, Developer Mode is only available on the old version of Squarespace (version 7.0), where many of the newer features aren't available. Developer Mode isn't - and won't be - available on 7.1. 
    You cannot duplicate sites if Developer Mode is enabled. 
    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️
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    WidleStudioLLP reacted to colin.irwin in Home page video not working/playing   
    I've been experiencing video banner problems for months on a number of sites. 
    The site in your link shows the same console error as I see.  The performance script throws a 500 error. I suspect the performance script includes code for building video backgrounds and retrieving content from Vimeo / YouTube. 
    The only solution I've found (and I'm not certain it's a robust solution) is to upload the videos to the Squarespace site via the video loader. They seem to work that way but video uploading is only part of 7.1 sites. 

  20. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to houghtoncreative in Home page video not working/playing   
    Same issue here. Just stopped working last week. Just shows a black background on chrome. Site using 7.0
  21. Love
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to creedon in 7.1 empty product category   
    Please see Store Product List Empty Text Add.
    I've supplied a CSS id selector #twc-empty-products-pages-text if you want to style the text.
    Let us know how it goes.
  22. Like
    WidleStudioLLP reacted to Aesthetic_Collab in 7.0 -> 7.1 Disconnecting GoDaddy Domain / Reconnect Godaddy Domain - will Automatic Connect still work?   
    The disconnect / auto-reconnect with Godaddy worked instantly for me! Thanks.  
  23. Like
    WidleStudioLLP got a reaction from Aesthetic_Collab in 7.0 -> 7.1 Disconnecting GoDaddy Domain / Reconnect Godaddy Domain - will Automatic Connect still work?   
    When upgrading a site from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 and you need to disconnect and then reconnect a GoDaddy domain, it's a common concern to wonder if the automatic reconnect will work smoothly or if there might be downtime or manual intervention required.

    In most cases, the automatic reconnect should work seamlessly if you follow the correct steps. Squarespace has made domain management quite user-friendly, and as you've connected GoDaddy domains before, you're already familiar with the process.

    Here are some general steps to ensure a smooth transition:

    1. Disconnect the Domain from the Old Site (7.0): In the Domain settings of the old Squarespace site, disconnect the GoDaddy domain. This action should release it from the old site.

    2. Connect the Domain to the New Site (7.1): In the new 7.1 site, navigate to the Domain settings and connect the GoDaddy domain. Squarespace should recognize the domain if it's still active and correctly configured on the GoDaddy side.

    3. DNS Settings: Ensure that the DNS settings (like A records or CNAME records) for the domain are correctly configured to point to your new Squarespace 7.1 site. This might require some manual configuration on the GoDaddy side if it's not done automatically.

    4. Propagation Time: Keep in mind that DNS changes can take some time to propagate across the internet. While many updates are nearly instantaneous, it's possible that some visitors may experience temporary issues accessing your site during this propagation period.

    To answer your specific question, the auto-connect feature should still work fine if everything is configured correctly. However, it's always a good practice to be prepared for some propagation time and have a plan in case any unexpected issues arise.

    If you've connected domains from GoDaddy to Squarespace before, you're in a good position to handle this transition smoothly. If you encounter any issues during the process, Squarespace's support team can provide specific guidance based on your domain and setup.

    Remember to double-check all settings, and you should be on your way to a successful transition from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 without significant downtime or disruptions.
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