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  1. Whilst you are undoubtedly correct for some people, for most people, not being able to right-click & save or hold & save would be enough of a deterrent. I can't watermark my images because it's my images that show what I can do. I can't put low res ones up for the same reason. To be honest, most of my imagery would be of little or no interest to anyone but a couple might & I'd like to have that little bit of added security for the casual viewer. Is there any way to lock down a site so that right clicking on a desktop or touch & hold on a mobile does not result in any kind of context menu? Certainly one that includes the saving of images, the opening of images in another tab or the inspection of elements? My main specific issue is that I'm using an image slider from Rebecca Grace Designs to show before & after images. It's a fantastic bit of code & does exactly what I want but it's currently allowing me to save out the full quality master images from my site. I'd like to know if this menu can be disabled without affecting the functionality of the slider?
  2. Is there any way to lock down a site so that right clicking on a desktop or touch & hold on a mobile does not result in any kind of context menu? Certainly one that includes the saving of images, the opening of images in another tab or the inspection of elements? My main specific issue is that I'm using an image slider from Rebecca Grace Designs to show before & after images. It's a fantastic bit of code & does exactly what I want but it's currently allowing me to save out the full quality master images from my site. I'd like to know if this menu can be disabled without affecting the functionality of the slider?
  3. That's excellent, thanks. So, in addition to this, is it then possible to remove the hover captions from the desktop site & have everything unified?
  4. I notice that when I mouse over a preview image on my desktop site, the working that I've added to the preview settings shows up, but a similar thing does not happen on my mobile. Is it possible to make the same text appear when touching the preview image on a mobile phone screen?
  5. I am using a slider to show "before & after" on many of my images. I noticed the other day that when I click & hold on any of the images that use the slider, I can easily save an image direct to the camera roll on my phone. Not only that but it's the very biggest version of the image. A fellow artist's site is configured in such a way as to present the user with a "copyright" icon when this is attempted & I would very much like to be in the same place on this. (His site was not built using Squarespace but rather a Squarespace competitor but I'm hoping the same thing can be done here.) I am aware that when I click on hold on any of the other images (ones that are not using the slider) the area of the image is selected on screen with the option to copy but this, I assume, will only copy a screen-resolution version of the image. I'm not particularly worried about this, but its would nice if this could be locked down, too. It may be that this is something I'd have to take up with the make of the slider, but I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.
  6. Okay, so it seems that I can't hide my logo on what I would like to be my home page, which rather shoots the idea in the foot. Never mind. Thanks for the link. 🙂
  7. I haven't and I did have a look around but sometimes the right thing can hard to track down so thanks. I'll have a look. 🙂
  8. So, yes, I have an email on the "contact" page & at the moment, it does nothing. It would be great if it would open a blank email in the visitor's chosen email client. Is this possible? (The funny thing is that I added a picture to that same page & there was a box in which I was able to add my email, so clicking on the image does what I want it to do but clicking on the email address doesn't.)
  9. Up until now I have regarded the page with the grid of squares on as being my "homepage". If I wanted to create a page as some kind of landing page that you'd arrive at first, with an animated logo, "work" & "contact" on, is that possible?
  10. Well, the only reason that was there is because in order to make my "before & after" slider work, (having added some header & footer code), I need to add the image in there, copy the URL & paste it into a new browser tab, (once for each image), and then paste those URLs into the correct places in the code block for that page. Then it gets deleted from that Custom CSS page, so hopefully that's okay? (The font size reduction thing worked perfectly by the way. Thanks for that! 🙂
  11. Ah, okay well according to a movie I just. watched, I literally do just add it to the box in the screenshot (obviously I'll delete the file location URL shown there first. That was for something else.) I'm still curious about the syntax error, though. Is in the S in HTTPS?
  12. Are there any instructions on where to add it. I presumably don't paste it into the box shown in the attached image. (Incidentally, it mentions a syntax error in the screenshot. Any idea what that's all about?)
  13. Ah, well I have both set to fill & I'm changing the vertical alignment of one (using that little white circle icon) & the horizontal alignment on the other, so that will be it. I shall look into it & find a crop that can be used on both.
  14. Yes, as the title says. I get it where I want it in desktop view, then I go into mobile optimisation & adjust it there & when I go back to desktop, it's moved. Surely they're allowed to be different? Re: The screenshots below... 1) Bottle image positioned correctly (with red glow touching line across top). 2) Red glow bleeding off left edge in mobile view. 3) Bottle adjusted in mobile view. 4) Bottle has now moved in Desktop view (with red glow no longer hitting the horizontal line & leaves chopped off at the bottom). If I adjust the desktop image to be like screenshot 1, then mobile view changes to screenshot 2.
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