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  1. Hi Lesum, No I checked and all is good. I decided to create images of my font for the headers instead of using the text editor. Think that has solved the issue for big and small screens. www.katarinapolonska.com
  2. I'm hopeful for any insight. This issue has been ongoing since Squarespace did an update in July. Was told it was a backend issue, but more recently have been told that I need to fix the issue. On my chrome browser (PC) it's fine, on my chrome on mobile it does not ("Welcome" in first picture below). My partner's macbook running Safari, also not working. It should look like the second image. My code is below. Any ideas, please? 🥲 @font-face { font-family: Janetanice; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6492e9338590f6612aea1c2d/t/6492e9658590f6612aea244e/1679927006397/Janetanice.otf'); } // Header 4 Font // h4 { font-family: 'Janetanice' !important; } // Site Title // .header-title-text a { font-family: Janetanice !important; }
  3. I'm hopeful you can help me as well if possible. My custom font isn't working consistently over the last month or so. On my chrome browser (PC) it's fine, on my chrome on mobile it does not. My partner's macbook running Safari, also not working. It should look like the second image ("Welcome"). Any ideas, please? 🥲 @font-face { font-family: Janetanice; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6492e9338590f6612aea1c2d/t/6492e9658590f6612aea244e/1679927006397/Janetanice.otf'); } // Header 4 Font // h4 { font-family: 'Janetanice' !important; } // Site Title // .header-title-text a { font-family: Janetanice !important; }
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