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  1. Here is the response I received from Customer Support. Disappointing that they have no ETA to resolve the issue with a feature I consider to be critical for branding purposes. Thanks for contacting us about this. I can confirm that there is an issue on our end with uploading custom font files. We’ve noted your report with our Engineering and Design teams for review. They’ll use this feedback when creating fixes and improvements for future releases. There are many variables that we need to test against before we can make changes, and we can’t guarantee changes for this issue in the immediate future. That said, our teams consider all feedback, and your input is always encouraged. @genah @tuanphan
  2. Update: 6pm Central Friday, July 28 I have submitted a service ticket which has been escalated for a Product Specialist to investigate. I'll reply when I hear from them. @genah
  3. Not yet, @genah. I am going to try chatting with SS support.
  4. Thanks, @tuanphan. I sent you a forum message.
  5. I am trying to upload a custom font via CSS. The font file is a ttf file type. I am getting the error below saying that it has to be a ttf or other file extension. It IS a ttf file type, so I don't know what the problem is. I tried other ttf font files and even an otf type and get the same error with all. What can I do to resolve this?
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