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    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Adjusting the vertical alignment of mobile menu nav items   
    Use this CSS
    [data-folder="root"]>.header-menu-nav-folder-content { justify-content: flex-start; }  
  2. Like
    AshwinG reacted to timoneill in How to change mobile menu font size in 7.1?   
    Try the above from another poster tuanphan...the CSS works well for me
  3. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Change of linked text on hover in 7.1   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    /* link hover color */ #page a:hover { color: violet; }  
  4. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Change text link color on hover; code not working   
    Edit second code to this
    a:hover, a:hover span { font-weight: bold; color: #5fb6e4 !important; }  
  5. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Setting up a separate footer for mobile or have it centered   
    Suppose you have 2 sections in Footer.
    To hide Second section on desktop, use this CSS code
    /* desktop */ @media screen and (min-width:992px) { footer.sections section:nth-child(2) { display: none !important; }} To hide First section on mobile, use this code
    /* Mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:991px) { footer.sections section:nth-child(1) { display: none !important; }}  
  6. Like
    AshwinG reacted to creedon in Want to change color of ONE option in my menu   
    Replace your code with the following.
    body:not( .header--menu-open ) [ data-header-style="solid" ].header .header-nav-wrapper .header-nav-item--external a {   color : #000;   font-weight : bold;      } Let us know how it goes.
  7. Like
    AshwinG reacted to markadekoning in Change Header Height on Mobile Only Squarespace 7.1   
    Hi guys,
    I'd like to change the header height on mobile only.
    Website: www.thehomecollective.com.au
    pword: Torquay1!
    I have this code for header height on desktop:
    .tweak-fixed-header .header .header-announcement-bar-wrapper {
        padding-top: 1.5vw !important;
        padding-bottom: 1.5vw !important;
  8. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Change Header Height on Mobile Only Squarespace 7.1   
    Add this code under
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .tweak-fixed-header .header .header-announcement-bar-wrapper { padding-top: 2vw !important; padding-bottom: 2vw !important; } }  
  9. Like
    AshwinG reacted to HighPointers in Need to add space between images in slideshow reel   
    This code worked perfectly and didn't crop images even if they weren't the same size.
    .gallery-reel-item img {
        transform: scale(.9);
  10. Like
    AshwinG reacted to LUDA in Adding space between images in Slideshow Reel gallery   
    Hi, i'm not a developer or anything but I think I've found my own personal solution i'd like to share with you. Only because it took me hours of trial and error to find the right soultion.
    Basically, from what I can tell. 7.1 is using a sort of "container" to hold the images in which it reels through the gallery. Probably changing things like padding might just be changing the container as opposed to the image size itself. With that being said, trail and error, I figured why not just change the .gallery-reel-item img as opposed to the src or even gallery. Anyways, basically resizing the inner image within gallery-reel-item.
    Code found below to what I believe basically resized the inner image a bit to give your images more visual space in between them. If they end up to small then just enlarge the size of the gallery.

    .gallery-reel-item img { width: 100%; ///change percentage to a smaller value in order to resize height: auto; }  
    the height set to auto to allow for scaled transformation. Hopefully this helps.
  11. Thanks
    AshwinG got a reaction from creedon in Button which links to random page on site   
    Awesome, it works.
    Thank you so much
  12. Like
    AshwinG reacted to creedon in Go to a random page from a list of 100   
    This requires the business plan or above.
    Add the following to Website > Pages > Website Tools > Code Injection > HEADER.
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    Add element url string random.html to Page Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the page. Please see per-page code injection.
    Alternately if you want a site-wide effect add the code to Website > Pages > Website Tools > Code Injection > FOOTER..
    Let us know how it goes.
  13. Like
    AshwinG reacted to creedon in Button which links to random page on site   
    Please see the following.
    Let us know how it goes.
  14. Like
    AshwinG reacted to creedon in Button which links to random page on site   
    The selector needs to be...
    const selector = '#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1688984615330_1727 a'; This targets the block and the link in the block so the URL can be replaced.
  15. Like
    AshwinG got a reaction from tuanphan in Fixed position Header Logo, but not navigation links   
    Perfect, thanks
  16. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Fixed position Header Logo, but not navigation links   
    Add to Design > custom CSS
    /* hide nav on scroll */ header#header.shrink nav { visibility: hidden; }  
  17. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in How do I put 1px border between the header and footer and main body container in 7.1   
    Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS
    /* Add a line to bottom of header */ header#header { border-bottom: 1px solid green; } /* Add a line to top of footer */ footer#footer-sections { border-top: 1px solid green; }  
  18. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Creating custom aspect ratios for portfolio page   
    Add this to these page header
    <style> .grid-image { object-fit: contain !important; } .grid-image { padding-bottom: unset !important; } .grid-image-inner-wrapper { position: static !important; } a.grid-item { padding: unset !important; height: auto !important; } </style>  
  19. Like
    AshwinG got a reaction from tuanphan in Vertical Site Navigation   
    Awesome, it works. Thank you
    Also want to say I've used code you've posted onto other forum posts in the past, thanks for all the great work
  20. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in How to remove underline site navigation on mobile view   
    Add this CSS
    nav.header-menu-nav-list .header-menu-nav-item * { background-image: none !important; text-decoration: none !important; border: none !important; }  
  21. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Header Customization - move logo to center and move menu to left   
    I think Site Header should have this option. You try checking again.
    Or add this to Design > Custom CSS
    .header-title-nav-wrapper { flex-direction: row-reverse; } .header-title-logo { text-align: center; }  
  22. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Removing underline from navigation on 7.1   
    Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS
    .header-nav-wrapper a { background-image: none !important; }  
  23. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in how to remove previous and next project links from version 7.1 portfolio   
    add to Page Settings > Advanced > Header
    <style> .item-pagination {display: none !important;} </style>  
  24. Like
    AshwinG reacted to tuanphan in Vertical Site Navigation   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    nav.header-nav-list { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; }  
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