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Everything posted by spacequads

  1. Here is the link and site-wide password spacequads.com password is: SpaceQuads2023SP
  2. Hi everyone, we made a website that is available in both english and german and have css that causes the german folders to be hidden when on english pages and vice versa. The code was added over a month ago now and it worked flawlessly until right when we were about to publish our website. That's when we noticed that on the german version of our mobile drop down menu the german folders are there and the english ones are hidden, but when you press on one of the folders it appears blank. We tried pressing around in case the links were just invisible, but theres really nothing there. We also tried deleting all css on the design page and that didn't affect it in any way. Whats also strange is that the coding is all consistent across both languages, but this is only happening to the german page. We researched it and found that a lot of people have had this issue, even people who have never played around with code, and that it's a bug on squarespace's end. Some people got code that worked for them, but none work from me. One expert said that only customer service can help squash this bug, but customer service says they can't help us because of the 'complex code' on our site. We really don't know what to do now and would appreciate any and all help we can get. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi! I have my calendar set up so that instead of the photo of the event or the name and time of my event being on the calendar right away, its just coloured in. This works perfectly except for on days where there are two events. Here the calendar blocks stretch and the text appears over the colured background.. Any ideas?
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