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  1. I don't know if the attached screen recording might show the issue I'm having with it not appearing, especially on the live site. Screen Recording 2024-07-02 at 10.13.53 (1).mov
  2. Sorry for the late response, I have been out of office. The entire code is: flex: 1 0 80%; } .header-layout-nav-center .header-nav { width: 100% !important; flex: 1 1 100%; } .sqs-block-code:has(.slider) * { height: 100% } .sqs-block-code .slider { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .sqs-block-code .slider .slider-image { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63566299d6f0d711d59f53c7/t/667ace62fade1a71cf500f71/1719324259747/JE+WEB+-+Book+Carousel+2.png); width: auto; height: 300px; background-size: 2950px 250px; animation: slide 60s linear infinite; } @keyframes slide { from {background-position-x: 0px; } to { background-position-x: -2950px; } } Not sure what lines 01-06 are for. I made the website 2/3 years ago now. Thanks
  3. Thanks for responding. Just tried copy and pasting your code into the box, but nothings changed still/appeared where it should. (see photo below). Also the image thats appeared in your testing was the old outdated one. Wondering whether It's something to do with the new image I made?
  4. Wonder if anyone can help. On my bosses website, I had a scrolling image of a collection of books (she's an author) at the bottom of the homepage. It's worked fine for the last 3 years. I have gone to replace the image with updated books (made on photoshop, as followed on the tutorial shown below) and now the image isn't appearing in the correct section at all. Nothing. The YouTube video I was following is posted below. My code is: .slider { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .slider .slider-image { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63566299d6f0d711d59f53c7/t/6357a2a7d351b544eda38096/1666687668598/slider.png); width: auto; height 300px; background-size: 2950px 250px; animation: slide 60s linear infinite; } @keyframes slide { from {background-position-x: 0px; } to { background-position-x: -2950px; } } Can anyone see why It's all of a sudden not even showing my image of all the books. (Also linked below for you to see) I have tried altering all the different pixel amounts, still nothing. Image doesn't even show up. Website is: www.joyellisbooks.com Thanks to whoever takes their time out to reply to this. Is there an easier way now to maybe do this instead? Made the website back in 2021.
  5. I'm not sure if anyone can help but I am creating a website for my boss. I'm 99% finished, however, I have noticed when I load up the site via iPhones Safari the text boxes which have been 'Scaled to Fill' glitch out and judder. I have opened the site up via the chrome app and it works fine. Desktop works fine. It seems to be interfering with the scroll? This is my first time using squarespace and have 0 web developing skills so any help would be greatly appreciated! Ideally would like to fix as I know the majority of users here in the UK use apple/safari. Thank you! I have included a video below of the issue. Site url: https://blue-oleander-fzfe.squarespace.com/ pass: Joy RPReplay_Final1666949646.MP4
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