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Everything posted by LANESBE

  1. Hi Circle Community, We would like to insert a code snippet for a client just before the </body> tag. I have attempted to do this through: Page settings => Advanced Website tools => Code Injection => Header Website tools => Code Injection => Footer Code block on the homepage However, none of the above options seem to be effective. The script we are trying to incorporate is as follows: <script type='text/javascript' src='https://static.cubilis.eu/js/ratebox.bundle.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> var rb = new Ratebox({IBEUrl: 'au-porte-bonheur-zwalm', key: '19613f31-762a-4e18-91a1-2b6b1a3d2cad', locale: 'en' }); </script> If you could provide guidance on the correct method or any alternative solutions, it would be greatly appreciated. Jens
  2. Hi there, For a client we want to build a website with a left side navigation. Any tips & tricks in custom css to get this done? Many thanks!
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