Hi All!
I'm in a little of a pickle and couldn't find an answer to my problem with searching so I hope someone can help me.
I'm currently building a website to a friend without a proper education. I've built multiple websites before but nothing this complicating. The site is bilingual (English & Finnish).
Problem #1: My friend is a personal trainer and before he takes a new customer, he wants them to fill in a pre-information form. The form is allready built in both languages, but I can't find an answer how to change the language of the answering options (strongly disagree - disagree - neutral - agree - strongyl agree). They should be täysin erimieltä - jokseenkin erimieltä - en osaa sanoa - samaa mieltä - täysin samaa mieltä. How can one do that? (See att. 1.2) I would also like to change the language in the name-field (First name -> Etunimi, Last name -> Sukunimi). (See Att. 1.1)
Problem #2: He is selling personal training services and two of his items will last a set amount of time, one six months and one nine months. I would like to change the pricing text for both items from english (every month for 6/9 months) to finnish (joka kuukausi 6/9 kuukauden ajan). (See Att. 2.1)
Can anybody hepl me?
Antti (pelantti)