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  1. Site URL: https://www.pollardstreetprocessing.com/ Site pass: ._ufVWnJzxeqghto_Q!n8H7_ Hello, I'm trying to hide the grey box that contains am image and the text 'take me home' on my footer, but only on the hompage. It makes no sense to say take me home when youre already on the home page. I am trying to hide the section with the following code: /* Hide this on Mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { [data-section-id="61a11c6f01d66c32ef8d9591"] { display: none; } } /* Hide this on Tablet - Desktop */ @media screen and (min-width:768px) { [data-section-id="61a11c6f01d66c32ef8d9591"] { display: none; } } But the section remains. Can anyone help? I'd be very appreciative. Thanks in advanced, Jack
  2. Hello @tuanphan It occurs around 1200px Any help would be amazing. The site password has changed to ._ufVWnJzxeqghto_Q!n8H7_ Thanks so much for your time and help
  3. Site URL: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/ Hi all, At the moment my Burger is appearing on the wrong side of page inbetween full width and mobile version we have the widescreen state which is the standard desktop (where nav is visible) which is fine and the mobile state which is also fine (both with a green tick under the image) However, in between these widths, so when desktop view is in too small of a width to fit the navigation items in, it reverts to the burger (which is correct) but the burger is on the left of the screen rather than the right (not how i would like it). When the site is in this responsive width id like the burger to be on the right of the page please. If you squidge the window down slowly you will see what i mean, ive shown in pictures here. Thanks so much for your help and expertise! Jack Site password: *3iRgpCKJ-8@bBZ7
  4. basically, id like the burger on the view with a red cross to look like the burger on the one with a green tick, to show the cart and value and be on the right of the screen
  5. Hi Tuanphan, Unfortunately not, we have the widescreen state which is the standard desktop which is fine, and shown on the post above is the mobile state, which is also fine However, in between these widths, so when desktop view is in too small of a width to fit the navigation items in, it reverts to the burger (which is correct) but the burger is on the left of the screen. If you squidge the window down slowly you will see what i mean, ive shown in pictures here. Thanks so much for your help and expertise!
  6. Hi @Tuanphan, Thanks so much for your help and time, it is much appreciated. When I use this code, it works partially. When it breaks to burger, the burger moves to the far left instead of right and the cart word and value disappears. 😞 if you view the website in mobile view (attached), this is how I would like the burger to be when it replaces the menu if possible. Thanks so much again, Jack
  7. Site URL: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/ Hello, How can i make my 'cart' and 'cart value' have the same font styling as other navigation items please? Site pass: *3iRgpCKJ-8@bBZ7 I have trawled these forum for an answer but coming up short on a deadline! Any and all help appreciated. Thanks, Jack.
  8. Site URL: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/ Hello, I have a page on my site: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/price-list Site pass: *3iRgpCKJ-8@bBZ7 On this page i have a set of prices in 3 columns. When it goes down to mobile, it becomes only one column and the prices no longer align, they appear underneath. This is how it appears currently on the link above. However, I'd like the prices to be on the right of the items, so that you can see how much each thing is. I have mocked this up on the attached image. This is how I would like it to look. TLDR: how the link is now (view on mobile) is the current state (undesireable), how the attached image is, is how i would like it to be (awesome!). Is this even possible? Thanks in advance for any insight - I'm out of my depth for sure! Jack
  9. Site URL: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/ Hello, I'd like my navigation items to revert to a burger instead of 'stacking' on top of one another when the window is made smaller. They convert to a burger when it gets to mobile width, which is great. But id like it to turn to a burger as soon as they start stacking because it is ugly. Thanks in advance, Jack. Site pass: *3iRgpCKJ-8@bBZ7
  10. paul2009 this is a perfect solution. thank you so much for your time, i really appreciate it!
  11. Site URL: https://ladybug-chicken-2tp4.squarespace.com/order Hello Id like to bring my product prices closer to my product images, My titles are supposed to be hidden (display: none), but they are still taking up space. Id like my product prices to be directly underneath my images, and a little closer that the product titles originally were. Thanks for any insight, its much appriciated. Site pass: *3iRgpCKJ-8@bBZ7
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