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Attalie's Achievements

  1. Thank you! the words are BLK JKS under picture that's on the left side, in the bottom paragraph. Itried the code but does not seem to work
  2. Site URL: https://www.attaliemusic.com/music Hi there, I've customed all my fonts, but I'd like for two words to not be using the customised font but say sans source pro. How can I change the font of just 2 words? Also, other question, on my contact page can anyone provide the code to just have the first sentence letter in capital and not all words in capitalize? https://www.attaliemusic.com/contact
  3. Site URL: https://www.attaliemusic.com/contact Hi there, I've customed the fonts of my webiste, but on the contact form the post-submit text is does not have the customed font, how to add it? Thanks
  4. I tried this code that I got from their help page https://help.elfsight.com/article/336-step-4-add-your-custom-css-code-on-advanced-tab-of-testimonials-slider but it's not working - I suppose that it's because the fonts isnt uploaded on Elfisght..cant seem to find where to do so, if that's the case. .eui-widget-title{ font-family: attalie-police; } .eapps-testimonials-slider-page -item-author-info-caption{ font-family: attalie-police; } .eui-item-text-excerpt-inner{ font-family: attalie-police; } .eui-item-text-not-changed{ font-family: attalie-police; }
  5. Site URL: https://www.attaliemusic.com/home-editing Hi all, I've added a testimonial slider widget from Elfsight onto my squarespace website, but it comes with a regular font while on my website I have customed fonts. How can I make my Elfsight widget have the same font as my customed fonts on squarespace? I tried Custom CSS over Elfsight by the coding seems to not be right and I have basic coding knowledge. Thanks: https://www.attaliemusic.com/home-editing
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