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Posts posted by Inkdave

  1. Hi All

    In the process of building out a homepage and I'm struggling with something I think should be pretty straight forward. I want to be able to control padding of each section on mobile.

    I've tried various found code and pasted into css but clearly doing something wrong...

    So the first section I would like to adjust is labelled:

    Second section is 

    I've attached pics to show to show spacing I'm trying to adjust. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 16.36.32 copy.png

    Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 16.36.32 copy.png

  2. Hi All

    I have 3 sections on my homepage that use background images.

    Is it possible using CSS to make these clickable links? So they can link to my  product category pages.

    Currently they link to product category pages via simple text links, which is a little clunky…

    Also if clickable background image is possible can you also add a hover state, such as an image overlay?

    url : Inkcandy.co.uk

    many thanks in advance.




  3. Hi All

    I'm struggling to increase space between product imagery when imagery is set to stacked on mobile view.

    I thought this would work but has no effect.

    /* Products space */
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item.is-loaded {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
    Page example:

    You can see spacing between imagery on mobile view is really tight... I would like to increase. Driving me crazy, please help.

    Many thanks in advance.

    Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 20.13.40.png

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