I really like your site. It is laid out exactly how I am looking to lay out my site as well. I have searched and searched and cant figure out hoe to do it.
I hope I am not hijacking your post but....
Can you please explain how to do this? I am using square space 7.1. I want to mention that I have never done website design of any kind up until a little less than a week ago. I am progressing but cautiously. So you might need to be very laymen in your explanation. Images help. I know I am asking for a lot.
This is what I would like to achieve and what I "believe" your have set up with your site:
Home page - portfolio page (simple layout with "buttons" of different categories) **not certain if button is the correct term**
Sub pages - each "button" on the home page links to either additional sub portfolios or content (galleries, texts, etc.)
Essentially you could branch down as many sub categories as you want in as many layers deep as you want. With limitations apparently per your original intent of this post.
Thank you for any help.