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  1. I uploaded the woff and woff2 fonts now but still nothing for mobile... It seems to work on other pcs.
  2. Site URL: http://basehabitation.squarespace.com Hello, I have installed my custom font and have inserted the CSS to make it work on the website. It works fine on my laptop but on mobile and any other device, the font does not load, it is replaced by something else. Here is the code I used: font-face { font-family: 'JUNICODE-BOLD'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62f6601885a37304312048c7/t/62f663650d28410c7e01d7c9/1660314469574/Junicode-Bold.ttf'); } h1 { font-family: 'JUNICODE-BOLD'; } h2 { font-family: 'JUNICODE-BOLD'; } h3 { font-family: 'AILERON-ITALIC'; } h4 { font-family: 'JUNICODE-BOLD'; } .header-title-text { font-family: 'AILERON'; } .sqsrte-large { font-family: 'JUNICODE-BOLD'; } p { font-family: 'AILERON'; } .sqsrte-small { font-family: 'AILERON'; } Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hi Bangank, Thank you very much! I figured it was a simple fix. Btw, is it possible to have the link open in a new window?
  4. Site URL: https://thebeaujoe.com/ Hi! I get the feeling there is a very easy solution to this but cannot seem to find it in the forums. I have a code block and I would like part of the text in the block (one word) to link to a website. How would I go about doing that? Thank you! Julien
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