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Posts posted by entrepreneuress

  1. Everyone - the key is to not make an entirely fluid engine website. Just make the sections you need fluid (so maybe JUST the hero section), and the rest are regular sections. So much easier this way. And they have implemented a lot of fixes to the early FE issues. 

    I love the direction FE is headed. Gotta start somewhere. Thanks Squarespace, I appreciate that you stay competitive and seek new solutions for website building. 

    I would love to see new solutions for tablet view - ideally, just a higher mobile breakpoint (in the 1100's or so), rather than a separate tablet formatting option. Though would settle for either.

  2. Personally I really like fluid engine, and my websites look amazing as a result. My only two issues I'd like to see refined are:

    - Blocks do shift when I edit other ones. I've been able to work around this, but I worry for my template buyers who may not be as confident in manipulating the blocks, nor understand why that's happening.

    - I would like to see more control over mobile breakpoint / tablet view or another way to ensure that someone with a small laptop and who does not have a full-screen window open won't see a strange version of the site. Ideally there would be a setting that shrinks site width proportionally and locks in formatting as window gets shrunk until a mobile breakpoint is triggered.

    I appreciate Squarespace, and their updates, and really don't think such extreme backlash is warranted. If you can't work with the platform, spend this energy improving your skills instead. 


  3. Site URL: http://www.fullpixinspect.com/?password=fullpix555

    Hi - 2 quick mobile optimization questions:

    • 1 - Want to update HOMEPAGE vertical content alignment to be middle (not anchored to the bottom) on mobile only (screenshot attached). 
    • 2 - My image borders that I have setup on desktop (all 'split' sections on site) are doubling up on mobile only. I'd like them to show properly, 2px on top, and 2px on bottom (screenshot attached). 

    If anyone has advice on how to fix, it would be greatly appreciated!! Client site. Thank you!!! 

    JIC: www.fullpixinspect.com/home // password: fullpix555




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