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Posts posted by laura_c

  1. I'd also love the background gallery functionality from 7.0 to be added back into 7.1. Adding static text or other content over a slideshow background is such a common request.

    Anyway, after much trial and error I've found a solution that - while not perfect - does the trick.

    1. Create a gallery section. Set the gallery type to to Slideshow:Full. Set the section height, hide the controls and turn autoplay on.
    2. Create a second section that sits below the gallery section. Set the section height the same as the gallery section. Don't upload any background images, videos or art. Add your text/button/content.
    3. Add the following code to CSS, replacing the section id number with those of your second section. If you don't already have a Chrome extension to help you quickly see section and block ID's, I can recommend Squarespace ID Finder by Heather Tovey
    body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) section[data-section-id="60bd6308fec0673d7ddd4a41"] {
      position: relative !important;
      margin-top: -100vh !important;
      background-color: transparent !important;
      .section-background {
        background-color: transparent !important;

    Basically, it removes any background colour from your content section and moves it up to sit over the gallery section. It doesn't apply in editing mode, so all content remains easily editable. It should work on all screen sizes, but let me know if it's not scaling correctly.

    It's a hack that we shouldn't need - but for now, I hope it helps someone.

  2. On 8/22/2021 at 3:23 PM, tuanphan said:

    Create a .js file on your pc >> paste this code (no <script> tag)

    Suppose the file name will be: reel-autoplay.js

        {$("html:not(.sqs-modal-lightbox-open) body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .gallery-reel-control:nth-of-type(2) .gallery-reel-control-btn")
      }, 2000);

    Next, upload js file to your site.

    Final, add this to Code Injection > Footer

    	document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
          if ( window.location == window.parent.location ) {
              var script = document.createElement('script');
              script.type = 'text/javascript';
              script.src = '/s/reel-autoplay.js';    
          } else {


    @tuanphan, you're a lifesaver! I had to remove the [0] from the script before uploading (in case someone else uses this). But it's finally all working.

    Thanks so much for your help. I couldn't be more grateful.

  3. Site URL: https://magenta-harp-d43d.squarespace.com/venues

    I'm building a site for a client. One of the pages contains two gallery reels. I've installed some jquery code that automatically advances the gallery reel. It's working for the first gallery on the page, but not the second.

    Can anyone give me some help on how I need to amend the code to work on all instances of gallery reel on the page? @tuanphan, do you know how this might be achieved?

    URL: https://magenta-harp-d43d.squarespace.com/venues

    Password: Happiness2021!


        {$("html:not(.sqs-modal-lightbox-open) body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .gallery-reel-control:nth-of-type(2) .gallery-reel-control-btn")
      }, 2000);


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