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    caminada got a reaction from creedon in Position image at the bottom of a section   
    @creedon Hi, just want to let you know, about my gallery flash issue already found the solution at the end of the tutorials. Many thanks!
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    caminada reacted to creedon in Position image at the bottom of a section   
    Upon further thinking I think I have a better way than my tracking thought.
    First remove any CSS related to moving the...
    Alig Grossküchen historias culinaricas ...text block. Make a copy somewhere.
    Please see the following.
    This code will allow us to move the previous mentioned text block into a spot where CSS can be applied to attach it to the bottom of the section.
    Replace the example settings provided in the code with the following.
    '.fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1704746352505_1283' : { selectorDestination : '#page .page-section:first-child', action : 'append', // value is append, prepend or replace // selectorParentDestination is optional, use when you want to first // find a selector destination but then work up the ancestor hierarchy // to manipulate it selectorParentDestination : '[enter selector parent destination here between single quotes replacing square brackets]', // selectorCopy when true will make a copy of the source element and use // it instead of the actual selectorSource. value is false or true sourceCopy : false, }, Finally we need some new CSS to style the text block.
    .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1704746352505_1283 { bottom : 2vh; left : 2vw; position : absolute; } Let us know how it goes.
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    caminada reacted to creedon in Elements Manipulate   
    Please see Elements Manipulate.
    This is a base effect and gives you the ability to append, prepend, or replace one selector with another. You might use it for an effect like moving a common block from the footer to particular pages.
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    caminada reacted to WillMyers in How to slow down the fade transition in a 7.1 Gallery Slideshow   
    Hey gang, I took a stab at a different solution and it seems to be working on my end. Check out the CSS below if you're using Slideshow Full, I also have some CSS in an article here if you're using Slideshow Simple -- it's the same idea with a few small tweaks. 
    Basically I'm using CSS animations instead of transitions. Seem to work better since the slides are getting moved around in the DOM. Watch this if you're curious. 
    Let me know if there are any issues, I'll keep iterating as I can. 
    /** * Slow Cross Fade * Gallery Type » Slideshow Full * From Will-Myers.com **/ #sections .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow[data-transition="fade"] { --duration: 2s; figure, .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-src{ opacity:1; } .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item{ visibility: visible; } figure:last-child { animation: fadeIn var(--duration, 2s) ease; } @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } }  
  5. Like
    caminada reacted to rwp in How to slow down the fade transition in a 7.1 Gallery Slideshow   
    .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-img{ transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -ms-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -moz-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; -o-transition: opacity 1600ms ease-in-out !important; } .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow[data-transition="fade"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item[data-active="true"] .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-src{ transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -ms-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -moz-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; -o-transition: opacity 1400ms ease-in-out !important; } Currently getting some hiccups with Firefox.  This is on SquareSpaces side of things.  I already spent about 3 hours trying to get this to work, and I don't feel like digging though a million lines of code again.  (The standard transition doesn't work right in Firefox either, its just too fast to notice).
    Anyway, this works with every other browser that I tested. I added 1000ms to the default values, I am not sure if the 200ms differences matter much, but I left them. You can probably leave out the importants, and honestly, you don't need the webkits, but I guess if someone is on a very old browser its good to toss them in there.
    I will attempt to get this over to SS to see if they can fix the Firefox issue.  It fades sometimes, snaps the next, not sure whats up.
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    caminada reacted to tuanphan in Portfolio Page - Can't see image covers without scrolling down extensively, slow load- now what?   
    Try this new code
    div#gridThumbs { opacity: 1 !important; transform: unset !important; } .portfolio-grid-basic .grid-item .portfolio-title { opacity: 1 !important; transition: unset !important; }  
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    caminada reacted to Beyondspace in CSS Broken / Underline Header Nav not working   
    Try in Home > Design > Custom Css
    .header-nav-item:hover a { background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: linear-gradient(to right,currentColor 100%,currentColor 0); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0 calc(100% - 0.1em); } Let me know how it works on your site
    Press 👍 or mark this answer as solution to help another one too
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    caminada got a reaction from tuanphan in How can I put two logos in my header on either side of navigation links?   
    Hi Notthatguru, I create a link for my logo png by uploading to Design > Custom CSS > Manage Custom Files

    then I modify the href link and logo src link with Tuanphan's code.

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    caminada reacted to tuanphan in Can I add an upload button for people to attach and send their resume to the email or through a form.   
    You can use Dropbox or Google Drive
    Dropbox:  Google Drive: https://www.squarewebsites.org/blog/squarespace-websites-uploader
  10. Like
    caminada reacted to MaggieBovary in Footer + cookies text multilingual site 7.1   
    Thanks for the suggestion, I managed to do this! I didn't know I could create two footers with Squarespace 7.1.
    Following your tutorial, I hid the English footer in Italian pages putting this code in the respective <head> of the pages:
     footer section:nth-child(2) {
      display: none !important;
    and did the same to hid the Italian footer in the English pages:
     footer section:nth-child(1) {
      display: none !important;
  11. Like
    caminada reacted to tuanphan in Error with Multilingual Folder Navigation Items on Mobile   
    You used some code like this
    #header .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(2) { display: none; } edit it to
    [data-folder="root"]>div>.header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(2) { display: none; }  
  12. Like
    caminada reacted to tuanphan in Multilanguage possibilities in 7.1.   
    You can use this guide by brad
    or this by me
  13. Like
    caminada reacted to jacquie in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    Here is the answer! I asked SQUARESPACE HELP and they got back to ASAP. 
    "To disable Fluid Engine on your site, visit the Settings > Circle Labs panel, check Disable Fluid Engine, then click Save."
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    caminada reacted to tuanphan in Custom font for site header nav buttons   
    Header button uses this ID
    Nav items use this ID
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