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Posts posted by JayVanDyke

  1. If you want the text box you could try this in cusom CSS if there's no height controls for that page section.

    .lessons-list-section .lessons.collection-content-wrapper {
      padding-top: 3vw !important; //change this number. default for your page is 4vw

    change that 3vw to whatever works best. It's currently 4vw so 3 may be enough for you when you put the code in.

  2. I don't see the CSS implemented anywhere? These all need to be in your custom CSS and the background color part needs to be changed into the color you want. 

    .kitchen #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 
    .style #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 
    .luxury #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 
    .tech #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 
    .health-leisure #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 


  3. @MikeM100 try something like this in your custom css. This should make everything 0 and lined right up but if you increase that bottom margin part in the second line you can adjust spacing as you want.


    .sqs-block-gallery .slide {
      margin-bottom: 0px; //increase this for your spacing between images
      .image-slide-anchor, .content-wrapper, .intrinsic-inner { 
        padding-bottom: 0 !important;
        height: 100% !important;
      .thumb-image, img {
        height: auto; 
        width: 100% !important;
        height: 100% !important;
        top: 0 !important;
        left: 0 !important;
        display: block;
      .sqs-video-overlay, .sqs-video-wrapper {
        position: relative !important;
        top: 0 !important;
        left: 0 !important;
        height: 100% !important;
        width: 100% !important;


  4. You need to use a collection like a blog to hold the images and descriptions and then use universal filter to make the filtering part work like this I did here https://www.motheruntitled.com/experts

    In this site, the coaches are each a blog post and the popup is from the blog post content itself, the grid is the blog page but you can also do this with a summary block.

    Universal filter is here (affilliate link...) https://www.bergendesign.co/universal-filter

  5. @kodrury sorry! Got bogged down with client work. I don't think this is doable with just CSS alone. 


    Try this in your page header code injection for js. This takes the name of the category in the URL and turns it into the class for the page so you have something different about this vs the main page. SS doesn't seem to change anything we can use to style the category pages easily.

      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      var categoryURL = window.location.href;
      var index = categoryURL.lastIndexOf('/');
      var categoryClass = categoryURL.substring(index + 1);
      categoryClass = categoryClass.split("?")[0].split("#")[0];

    then for your sub pages do this but rename it based on your category names. For the /tex store it would be things like .health-leisure .kitchen .style .luxury .tech 

    Any other type of character like the & will get removed and any spaces turned into "-"

    .categoryName #sections .page-section:first-child {
      .section-background {
       background-color: #000; //change to your color 

    You also have one of the background effects turned on. I think you need to turn that off for this to work.

  6. First, even with this library I don't think you can target things inside the iframe with JS directly like you're trying to do but secondly, this line here 

    document.querySelector("#content") {padding: 0px !important;}

    is javascript and won't do anything inside of style tags. I wonder if it's loading the library and trying to attach to your iframe before it's even on the page since it's loading in a lightbox after you click. On the plugin settings page you could try their code injection or maybe try preloading the popups, that one is just a checkbox in the setup page. If none of that works I'm not sure what else to do without really getting into the site. Feel free to dm me if youd like to chat about it!

  7. @vcRBS it looks to me like the js file is loading just fine but it isn't working for some reason. The filename i guess could cause it but I dont think so. Not sure what it isn't working, maybe its the file on the other end that isn't working right.

    Just out of curiosity see if this helps. Move the whole thing to the footer and change the init code to this. Maybe its taking too long to actually load the frame and the code runs before it even exists in the DOM? If that doesn't work, maybe use some code that waits until the #myIframe element exists. 

      window.addEventListener('load', function() {
        iFrameResize({ log: true }, '#myIframe')


  8. @vcRBS that's the domain I'm referring to. You need to run code on the page that's inside the frame, i assume at that other domain, that recognizes how long it's own content is and sends something out to the parent site to adjust the height. Without being able to add code in your form you can't adjust this unless someone else here knows a workaround.

  9. This isn't something you can adjust without having code level access to the page that's inside the frame. Is this your own page or from a third party service? Sometimes they have a little checkbox hiding in that final screen to copy your code to make it responsive, I know that airtable does that but without something like that you can't adjust the size of the frame based on the content inside it.

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