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How do I Link an image in my gallery directly to the physical product page in my shop to add to cart

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This may sound simple but I just can't seem to add a link to an image on my main page to the actual product. This image link only allows me to  link a UR slug as they call it to the store listing all products. I have a gallery with images on a carousel.  I want to bypass the store page and go directly to the physical product where a customer would add to shopping cart without having to fish for the item on a separate page.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong as I've been able to get through most of it but not this and it should be so simple. I want to make it easy for people to look, click and go strait to the product as well as having the option to browse the store product page and categories. 

I'm new to this and never created a website before so its a big learning curve.

Thank you in advance for any assistance


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Hi Jasmin! The link editor only suggests the main page URLs, but each individual product does have a unique URL, too. If you add the product URL to an image as a link, visitors will go straight to the product page instead of leading to the store's landing page.

There are a few ways to find the product URL:

  • In the product's settings
  • In the web address bar after expanding the site preview version of the product page
  • In the web address bar when viewing the product on the live version of your site

For Squarespace, store pages are a type of "collection" page and products are "collection items", so this part of their guide on adding links is most relevant: Link to a collection item

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