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How to resize images for different screen sizes

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Hi Everyone, we are have some troubles with the scaling of our images across different screens sizes. We are interested in seeing the whole image on a desktop wide screen and currently, the image gets cropped. See attached screenshot of the image being cropped. We are using a blog page for the projects. 

image below is being cropped when viewed in widescreen.


Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 3.43.52 pm.png

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Hi @Bel_SquareSpace, please can you share your website URL?

Can't be sure of the exact solution without a URL, but if that is an Image Block, you can check the setting to make sure it is set to "Fit" rather than "Fill". "Fit" will make sure the whole image is scaled to fit within the container.


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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
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18 hours ago, Bel_SquareSpace said:

Below is our website URL. We have set up the pages as a blog post and I couldn't find the settings for above image block fit.

Thank you


Thanks for the url.

When you describe the issue of the image being cropped, do you mean the full image on the page looks different to your original image? If it is this issue, I am not seeing this.

Or do you mean the full image is not displayed within your browser window? If it's this latter issue, I would suggest resizing your images smaller, as they are quite large in dimension. And if you have a number of screen sizes that you are targeting, check them all to see how your design responds to the different screen sizes.

Let me know how it goes.

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
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