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Editing without Publishing

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32 minutes ago, Colinpk said:

So the site is not available to the public while I'm making edits? Because I still want them to be able to use the site. 

Just like that, if you want to share your website during the Trial period with one or certain persons, you do not have to make the website public to everyone.
It's one thing to allow selected persons to view the Trial site, another thing is to use it, give the right to make changes, which one do you want?

Edited by kalevi
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This is an existing website that has many daily users. I was hired to take over the website and make some design changes, copy updates, photo edits and changes to navigation and branding. I need to be able to work on these changes in an environment that will allow my client time to review, ask for changes and proofread. And also allow an adequate amount of time for testing. In other words have a working version that can be shared with my client before it is "Published". The general public (our customers) still need to be able to access the site so it cannot be password protected. Every site I've worked on since the mid 90's has allowed me to do this. If SquareSpace does not have this capability, I just need to know so I can recommend using a different platform.

Edited by Colinpk
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  • 1 year later...
  • Solution

It's been awhile, but for those still coming across this post, another solution is to duplicate the page, set the duplicate page to private (or "disabled") and make edits and changes. When the updates are finished, switch out the updated page for the old version.

As an example, if you needed to make updates to the "Services" page while keeping it live, duplicate it, set the new page url to "Services-New", and make sure it's set to disabled. Once the edits are complete, go to the page settings for the live, old version and change the url to "Services-Old" while disabling it. Then quickly change the "Services-New" updated page url to "Services" and make it public by enabling it in page settings.

Far less complicated than it seems and a very easy solution to this problem.

Noah Olson
Web Design, Brand, Marketing
❄️ Snowday Design


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  • 1 month later...
18 minutes ago, ClareCoe said:

I can't see where to duplicate the homepage.

If you don't not see the DUPLICATE PAGE in Page Settings for the page then that page type can't be duplicated. Regular pages can be duplicated. Page types like portfolio, blog, event, and etc. can't be duplicated.


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