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Change fonts for data protection (DGSVO) troubleshooting

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Hello 🙂 
I host my website in Europe and Google fonts are now a problem. I am now hosting all fonts locally, but whenever I check my site, one google font still seems to be used. Problem: I can't find it and I don't know where I use it (and therefore can't change it) Is there a way to find it? 

My site: lovemoves.de and the font family that is hiding somewhere: Josefin Sans

Thank you a lot for your help, 


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I have the same problem. 


  1. I downloaded the "ArchivoBlack-Regular.ttf"
  2. I Injected the following CSS: 

//Google Font 
@font-face {
font-family: 'Archivo Black';
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/631e419a46738d2f93d545ab/t/63d03af18361a050934b70c3/1674590962066/ArchivoBlack-Regular.ttf);
//Google Font für Überschriften und Absätze verwenden

h1, h2, h3, h4 {
font-family:'Archivo Black' !important;

/* Button im Hauptmenü */
.header-actions-action .btn {font-family: 'Archivo Black' !important;}

/* Großer Button (Sekundär) */
.sqs-block-button-element--large, .sqs-button-element--secondary {font-family: 'Archivo Black' !important;}

/* Mittlerer Button (Primär) */
.sqs-block-button-element--medium, .sqs-button-element--primary {font-family: 'Archivo Black' !important;}

/* Kleiner Button (Tertiär) */
.sqs-block-button-element--small,  .sqs-button-element--tertiary {font-family: 'Archivo Black' !important;}


The fontscanner still finds something (see also attached file: "detected fonts..."): 

/* latin-ext */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Archivo Black';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/archivoblack/v17/HTxqL289NzCGg4MzN6KJ7eW6CYKF_jzx13HOvQ.woff2) format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF;
/* latin */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Archivo Black';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/archivoblack/v17/HTxqL289NzCGg4MzN6KJ7eW6CYyF_jzx13E.woff2) format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;


I even changed the html for the potential cover pages because I read, that the CSS doesn't affect cover pages (see attached file: "page settings").


I feel like Squarespace doesn't care about the European Market that much. To be very honest, I might have to switch to Shopify because also "Cookie Consent Banner" is a topic where Squarespace has no solution to offer and doesn't seem to come up with something in the near future. 


Apart from DSGVO (GDPR) related topics, I really like Squarespace. So hopefully they'll invest more into these extremely relevant topics for EU customers. 


page settings for potential cover pages.png

detected fonts after adjustment.png

custom_css and custom file upload.png

 uploaded font.png

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