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New Site Review

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Site URL: http://www.whoiscooper.com/

I built a new website. Looking for advice for any one item below. 

  • What could be improved? Page, element, design, copy, whatever you think. 
  • Should something be added? Is there something to be desired that I'm missing? 
  • Can something be removed? I generally prefer to cut rather add (which I've done a lot of already). Is there anything you think could easily go? 
  • I'm lost on the navigation design. It just doesn't feel right, but not sure where I can improve. Any advice? 
  • The site is slow, a lot of code, any glaring things that are slowing it down?

Input on any of the above would be appreciated, and doubly appreciated if it's an improvement on something which isn't mentioned above. 

Thank you. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@whoiscooper Ooooooh your homepage banner is SO FUN!  Love the image and animation effects.  I think you're off to a great start.

There's this great air of mystery when you first arrive on the website - I'd love to see you continue that theme and make sure that at every turn, the website entertains as much as it informs.

A couple quick ideas:

  • Simplify the header navigation - try combining some sections.
  • Under "Master Mentalist," consider a collection of quotes - you have so many good ones and they would be impactful en masse.
  • Try the subtitles in sentence case, not all caps.  (Looks great on the H1's, but in general all caps is hard to read for some visitors so try to minimize when you can.)

Again, great job so far!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi @whoiscooper - Great Job!

A couple of suggestions:

1. Definitely consolidate all quotes under the banner image/video and make them a slideshow. Start with google, and amazon, not NYAA, then do the most famous people after - Kelly, Ryan, Zachary, Oscar, L'oreal.

2. Give viewers a chance then to watch your videos. Cut that menu item and make it the first thing under your headshot and quotes.

3. Cut the rest of the first page and move it to About or somewhere else. A mentalist is all about making us SEE things. Not READ things. If they really want to read about you, they can. Most visitors don't have time or interest. Rename "Blog" to something fun. At SQSDesign, we use RocketSurgery - because we tinker with spaces. What word or word combo describes your craft?

4. What are you selling? Bookings? Covid-Time is different than real time - are you selling on-line experiences now? Whatever that is should be your first menu item. (Contact/Booking consolidated?)

5. Take all your drop down FAQs and put them on a single page for easy access.

Best wishes for continued success - feel free to reach out with more questions 🙂

With ❤️, from Andrew @ SQSDesign
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