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Posts posted by efranken

  1. On 5/3/2023 at 11:38 AM, Mike_Sorrentino said:

    I know that this is old, but none of the solutions offered worked for me and I wanted to share my experience.

    I contacted Squarespace's support on two separate occasions but neither of the two agents I spoke with could help with it either, and both blamed Google for it.

    The point is that the actual path (URI) to the resource is required by Google for the image to show up in the search results. Support told me that they do not disclose this kind of information, so I set out on a quest to find it myself.

    This is how I did it:

    1. (on Chrome) Open the dev console (F12);
    2. Click on the three vertical dots on the bottom-left of the console to "Search..."
    3. Search for the term "favicon"
    4. You will find it someplace in the HTML, mine was line 10 but your mileage may vary: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62839a4f1318fc72022107b0/6dc4c692-1811-4d9a-9ced-1436a6d19390/favicon.ico?format=100w"/>

    Once you find it, simply isolate the URI and then:

    1. Go to the Squarespace editor
    2. Click on the cog icon beside your homepage -> Advanced -> and enter the code as suggested by @TC_Dave before me: <link rel="icon" href="/path/to/favicon.ico">

    My guess is that Google does not like the query string used by Squarespace and rather needs the simple URI, but I am a music producer and not a web developer, so who knows...

    Thank you so much for this!! It worked for me! 🙂

    I followed these steps + I adjusted the png file to 144x144 (72 dpi). I hope this helps for others as well. (by isolating the link she means select + copy it and paste it in the code for header code injection).

  2. @paul2009 O sorry, my bad! The URL is https://www.wandertowonder.nl.

    The weird thing is that I have another website with squarespace (https://www.esmeefranken.com), which I must say is much older then the one above. But that one does show the favicon in Google and I've changed that file to a new one in the past 7/8 months I guess. Funny thing: that file doesn't meet the 48, 96 or 144 pixel rule (the image I used for that is 32 pixels long, I just checked). But it worked apparently.

  3. I'm experiencing the same problem. We have an iPad Air 4th generation here that will not show the hamburger menu, even after trying several codes. Because I have a mega menu on my website it's not user friendly on an iPad, which is why I would love to set the hamburger menu for these kind of devices. Hopefully someone can help me/us out?

    My website is www.wandertowonder.nl.

    Thanks a million!

    @jonongec @tuanphan

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