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Hans Lundholm

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Posts posted by Hans Lundholm

  1. Thanks!

    Visually that was exactly what I was after.
    But there's two big problems with this method:
    1. The first case after the Hero Case gets hidden, guessing behind the hero case. It reappears when viewing on a phone an all cases gets stacked one by one.
    2. When viewing the site on a phone all cases gets scaled 50% in width except the Hero Case.

  2. Hi

    I'm using the York template and trying to style the index page.
    The idea is to have a hero project first and then two columns with the rest of the projects.
    So similar to the Style sitting "INDEX : LAYOUT / Item width : Full / Alternate Widths : Yes
    But instead of having:
    1 full width project , 2 columns, 1, 2, 1, 2...
    1 full width project , 2 columns, 2,2,2...
    Makes sense?
    Don't want it alternating between full width and two columns.
    Tried with a banner but can't insert a project there.
    Does anyone know if it's possible to achieve this or is it possible to do with an other template?  

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