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  1. Hello! I thought I'd come in here as @creedon your instructions have worked (THANK YOU) however there is a slight variation to how this appeared on my site. Hopefully this can save some others from having to figure out what I had to. Please also note that my file name is apps.ad-txt as I am monetising an app, not a webpage. Adding a LINK: - Mine didn't appear as the instructions did (little clog, link editor), it went straight to upload Link and Link title. Don't stress, just do. Link URL: - After uploading the link and adding the title, I was generated a link URL. COPY THIS URL Redirect URL: - Edit the provided text using your unique URL copied: /apps-ads.txt -> /s/Apps-ads-wj3p.txt 301 *Again, you might want google directing to ads.txt, so input that instead of /apps-ads.txt You can test by going to your site and typing your domain/app-ads.txt which should result in your file download. However, keep in mind that multiple requests to a 301 redirect may result in a 404 error, so if it doesn't work immediately give it a few minutes and try again before making any changes. Good luck, and thank you again for all that have tried and tested a solution for the community 😃
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