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Everything posted by Optisearchpro

  1. Now THAT would make sense. I guess this website is just going to have to live with the "pseudo" home page canonical issue (in that /home is deemed to be the canonical) and that two versions of the home page are detected by every SEO tool in town...LOL. Once again, thank you for what has been a most interesting and insightful discussion. I've learned a lot from you.
  2. Thanks for getting back to me, Creedon. I was actually in the process of updating the post (editing it and adding more content) when you responded to it. See above. I'm mystified by SS's lack of foresight when it comes to duplicate content issues re the home page though. That has always been -- and no doubt, always will be -- a priority error to be fixed (as per alerts in Google Search Console etc.)
  3. Hey Creedon, I like the way you logically work through issues on this board and so I thought I would come to you with my own version of "grayed out" home page settings. I am an SEO consultant and have been since 2001. You would think I would know how to get around this stuff...LOL. But in this instance, it is my son's site that has the issue, not mine. Originally, he (unwittingly) set his home page as /home. But then a couple of months later he changed the URL to just /. This of course created a duplicate content dilemma, with two different URLs pointing to the home page. I stepped in at this point and did a 301 redirect i.e. /home -> / On my iPhone, when I check the redirect to see if it is working, it appears to be working fine. But on my laptop, it still allows the two different URLs to bring up the home page. I tested it out on a different computer that had never previously searched for this site... and the redirect didn't work -- it brought up both versions (separately) of the home page URL. Anyway, that is only ONE of three problems. The second is that /home is showing in the xml sitemap, not /. That is a "NO NO" with Google and so I am hoping that you might have a workaround or a fix for both these issues. Thirdly, the dreaded "greyed out" home page thing: My son's home page settings are greyed out - for the URL/home (and there is no sign of any alternate home page in the pages area, even though both versions of the home page URL fetch the home page. The URL Slug show up as Home/ (see below) and the Navigation Title reads Home -- even though I personally reworked the Meta Title to read something quite different (in the SEO section of Squarespace). Apparently, according to my data on SEMrush, /home is the canonical version (or one of two canonical versions even?). Either way, it should NOT BE the canonical, and I do not know how to fix that because it is my understanding (which is quite likely incorrect) that Squarespace assigns canonicals automatically and/or I don't have access to the snippet of code in the <head>. The bottom line is that I simply want to remove all traces of /home and only have /.
  4. I can't believe no one replied to you in nearly two months. I have the same problem and it would be REALLY GOOD if someone from SS stepped up and replied. I want to use the code injection tool to remove a snippet of code from the <head> element of the home page, but I can't find it ANYWHERE!
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