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Everything posted by SeanSEO

  1. yes I was able to get that as I tinkered with it a minute. So sorry to keep bothering you but now the top lines and bottom lines are gone on mobile but I still have the middle arrow showing. Sorry I am newer to square space. thank you!
  2. ok so it worked on desktop however on mobile it looks as though the arrow is ontop of the burger....as if the burger is not "blocked"
  3. actually I just found it! thank you again for your help!!!
  4. thank you! Is there a code for an arrow that points down? Do you have a site that has arrow codes? thank you!
  5. www.spacebetweencounselingservices.com thank you for any help you can provide!
  6. Hello Everyone, I am trying to change the burger menu on the top right of my website to an arrow. I am on Squarespace 7.0. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been able to change the three lines into 3 arrows but I would much rather one arrow. Thank you Sean
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