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  1. @AlexSan that's it!!! thank you thank you! I appreciate all your help so much!
  2. @AlexSan Thank you!! Shoot, I think I have gotten it confused then– This is what I am trying to achieve: Create a larger outside margin, without it affecting the inner padding. I like the space where I have highlighted below in green, but I'd like to push the outer margin highlighted in orange to be wider, without it affecting the green's space. If that makes any sense? Thank you so much for your help.
  3. Thank you Alex! I greatly appreciate it. What would a code look like if I wanted the margin to be larger than the inner padding? I've been trying to mess around with making the margins 30px on the left & right, then the inner padding be 15px – but when I do this it makes all the spaces 30px. If you could help this would be life saver!!! Thank you. @AlexSan
  4. @Web_SolutionsHi, thank you!! So this helped the horizontal spacing between the space circled in red, but it did not fix the vertical spacing between the photos (circled in blue). Do you know how to fix this? Thank you.
  5. @AlexSanhi!! it's published now! Let me know if that works! Thank you so much!
  6. Hi! my final question is about the space between photos on my site. Do you know what would help with this? See photo below - thank you all! @Web_Solutions @tuanphan
  7. @Web_Solutions The text size in the second line is actually the same size as the text above, it is just lowercase. I'm wanting to make the second line of text a few sizes smaller if possible? But keep the first line of text at it's same size. And as for the spacing in between the texts, I cannot shorten the leading (space in between the 2 lines). Whenever I click "enter" it automatically goes that far beneath the first line of text.
  8. @tuanphan I'm wondering if you could let me know on how to change the size of just one the lines on the hovering text. As well as the spacing in between the two lines of text? Let me know if this makes sense!! Thank you so much
  9. @tuanphan @Web_Solutions Hi, my apologies! The site is available now. Please let me know! Thank you.
  10. @Web_Solutions Hi there, thank you so much! Is there anyway to create a second line on the hovering text, to be a smaller size? See photos attached, my current page is what I currently have, versus the photo of what I would like my text sizing/layout to be similar to. I am looking for the top text to be the title (in bold/all caps), and the text below to be the description (as a smaller font/lowercase). Please let me know if this is possible! Thank you again for all your help!
  11. @Web_Solutions I do apologize, here is my very last question – is there a way to change the font of the hovering text? Please let me know. I greatly appreciate you!
  12. @Web_Solutions Hi, thank you so much, this worked! Now, sadly I am having another issue though. Now that there are these hovering captions, whenever I click on the image (when it should be linked to go to another page), it will not take me there. It just lets you hover, but when I click on the linked image it won't take me to that page anymore. Do you have any idea how to fix or why this is?
  13. @Web_Solutions You are an angel!!! Thank you! Last thing, is there anyway to make the hovering text bigger or bolded? Or change the font? just for future reference. Let me know! Thank you again.
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