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Everything posted by DoodleAid

  1. "Greetings from Portland, OR. My name is XXX and I'm happy to help you today. Please note, we recently made updates and changes that are rolling out with form blocks and form submissions. This includes updates that have also rolled out including a section where form block submissions are now stored in the Profiles panel as well. We have a guide with more information regarding this here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046485652#toc-form-submitter-profiles At this time, form submissions have some HTML formatting and this can’t be changed or customized. We have a guide with more information regarding this here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205814638-Managing-form-and-newsletter-storage#toc-manage-submissions-2 That said, I can certainly understand how this change may not be desirable and we can’t change the formatting back to plain text at this time. I want to ensure your feedback has been heard, as this allows us to assess the impact of this change and how it has affected our customers. As a result, I’ve sent your suggestion to our development team on your behalf. While we can’t guarantee implementation of every suggestion, customer feedback is an important part of how we continue to improve our platform, so we appreciate your input. Feel free to reach out again if you have any other questions or need additional clarification —we're here 24/7 and always happy to help anyway we can." Happy to help in anyway they can other than to actually help (which they can, but choose not too). Its a shame as we like our website but now its unusable we'll have to go elsewhere.
  2. Thanks everyone and I'm not sure I understand all the answers... but : we've not changed our email provider but that doesn't mean they haven't changed their system (I'll ask) - thing is, if I go back and look and previously received forms, they look as we want them (the second photo below) - the top form looks OK on a big screen but most of our team are using tablets / phones. The old forms were great and could be seen clearly - the new one is hard to read, too spread out etc ..... thanks again
  3. Hi - The format of email we receive, when someone fills in form, has changed making it hard to read. This has only happened over the last 48 hours or so and we didn't do (we don't really fiddle with the website). Is this something Squarespace have done ? Can we change it back to how it was ? The emails used to come through as plain text and now they are formatted with bold headers, making them hard to read. Thanks for any help.
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