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Everything posted by edempster

  1. Well, after some playing around with the Footer code and some of the design aspects, it looks like I figured out my own problem, for the most part. Looks like the mobile menu is a bit tricker. But I would still love to have you look it over to make sure everything is good. Thank you.
  2. So, I was somehow able to get it (thank you). But the contact us button is not needed. And I tried to toggle it off but then all the buttons disappear. Also with the buttons, I would like to make them smaller and a different color. Wasn't sure which code to use for that. I appreciate all your help.
  3. Yes, I have. But the only button I could get was the contact us button. Instead, I would like to have the two links that are there now (Form CRS/Login) be the buttons. I hope that makes sense... I am sorry if it doesn't.
  4. Hello. I am looking to keep the logo on the left side. Then have the menu (About, Philosophy, Team and Contact Us) in the middle of the header. Then on the right have the Form CRS and Login links as buttons. Something like the example below (but with two buttons on the right):
  5. Sorry about that, it was probably spelling on my part. Try this one, virterahelp Thank you again.
  6. Thank you @creedon. Domain: Virtera Partners (squarespace.com) Password: virterapartners I hope I did it right.
  7. Hello, this is my first time posting in a forum, so sorry in advance. Also, first time Squarespace user/builder. I have been slowly trying to update a site I have been working on with code to make it more interactive. I have been trying to follow this forum to get the two buttons on the left side of my website, as we are wanting to link to external sites, but can't get it work or I am copying the wrong thing. Once this is figured out, I will be moving the menu to the header as well (I just have it as a module on each page for the time being). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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