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Posts posted by LonniWong

  1. ah sorry, you didnt do anything, sorry. i dont know why i thought this....🙈

    i just checked two different tablet sizes,
    in vertical mode:
    -the smaller one does not crop the picture.
    -the bigger tablet does stack like on mobile version, but same time crops content due to wrong picture ratio.
    (this is new now somehow)

    Maybe this is a too complex case....what do you think @tuanphan?

    horizontal modes are both fine.



  2. you need to check how your 3rd party service is working on your side. you can check by inspecting your site.
    i used 3rd party services, that i paid for and had meetings with to exactly discuss this how to block my site first.
    At the end, You just need to decide with your understanding of secureing. They say its all correct from their side. 

    However after i could show them a screenshot of my website, that my side has been fully loaded in the background, BEFORE people would decide to accept or not. So my 3rd party service wasnt able to block my site first because everything in the background was already fully loaded.

  3. 13 hours ago, Aurora said:

    Have there been any changes to this situation that you'd be willing to share?

    squaresquares respond on Nov 9th 2012 and my last contact on this topic:


    Marty (Squarespace) 

    9. Nov. 2022, 11:15 AM GMT-5 

    Hi there,
    Thanks for your reply. Squarespace is aware of EU laws related to the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies. Indeed, as you note, we have many Squarespace lovers in the EU who use our platform to create and maintain websites.
    As you note, EU law requires website owners to take a number of key steps prior to placing non-essential cookies (essential cookies are also known as “strictly necessary” or “required” cookies) on EU visitors. It’s important to note that under EU laws and regulatory guidance, essential cookies may be placed on website visitors without obtaining consent. But websites that wish to place non-essential cookies must, through the use of a cookie banner (see here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206545727), take the following minimum steps:
    • Provide clear and comprehensive information regarding the website’s cookie usage;
    • Which is prominently displayed and easily accessed on the website; and
    • Obtain consent from the website visitor to drop the non-essential cookies.
    Unless our customers place third party cookie or similar tracking technology providers, Squarespace’s cookie banner enables our customers to comply with applicable EU and UK laws, including recent ICO guidance, with respect to the Squarespace platform cookies listed here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001264507-About-the-cookies-Squarespace-uses 
    Our customers may restrict the placement of the Squarespace analytics and performance cookies listed on that guide until visitors click the confirmation message on your banner by following these instructions:
    In the Home Menu, click Settings, and then click Cookies & Visitor Data.  
    You may also disable Squarespace analytics cookies altogether by following the instructions here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001264507#toc-disable-analytics-and-performance-cookies.
    EU law does not require you to restrict placement of, so our product does not enable you to disable, the strictly necessary Squarespace platform cookies. These essential cookies are listed here as functional and required cookies: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001264507-About-the-cookies-Squarespace-uses#toc-functional-and-required-cookies
    Please be sure to review our KB Guides at your convenience:
    https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000851908 (GDPR and Squarespace)
    https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001264507 (About the cookies Squarespace uses)
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    We hope this information is helpful and thank you for your time.

    Trust & Safety

  4. Hi,
    i really love the power of changing the order or gaps in mobile view. However im missing this feature for the tablet mode view. 

    i was wondering if it is possible to have these possibilities for the resolution/view of tablets too?

    my issue: desktop view is same like tablet view. i like to have the tablet mode actually like the mobile view. 

    Would there be another alternate of mirroring the content like seen in mobile view?

    Thank you for any help!

  5. Hello,

    im simply trying to loose an underline on a textlink  i.e. 
    a {
      text-decoration: none;

    i have more of those, and thought, maybe i could do sth like this, that is apparently not working:

    a {
      text-decoration: none;

    does somebody know how i could add multiple ids referring to one code?

    thanks in advance!

  6. 35 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

    You can add a media query so the CSS only applies to this selector on larger devices, as you have done elsewhere in your CSS. 

    If this helps, please provide feedback using one of the icons below.

    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️

    Thank you very much for this tip! not sure if i will be successfull loosing the double menu, 🙈, but i will try.

  7. 2 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

    This is because you have added custom CSS that is forcing the desktop nav to appear, in addition to the expected mobile nav. If you delete your custom CSS it will appear correctly.

    Check the CSS applied to #header .header-display-desktop.

    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️

    thank you @paul2009yes, it is custom css,  to appear wells like template. if i delete the css it looses also the design, i assume. is there another colde solution to add on afterwards for this specific double appearance?

    I probably made the mistake not having checked all contingencies after the customization, it was a surprise to me to have discovered this double up menu in landscape mode on another device.

  8. On 7/24/2022 at 3:33 PM, Beyondspace said:

    Kindly try adding to Home > Design > Custom Css

    body:not(.header--menu-open) .header-nav-folder-item--active .header-nav-folder-item-content {
      font-weight: bold;
      background: none;

    Let me know how it works on your site

    hello, to me this is unfortunately not working. 
    i have also tried:

    .header-nav-folder-item--active .header-nav-folder-item-content {
     text-decoration: none;
      background: none;

    Do you have also a solution to me @Beyondspace?🙏

  9. 6 minutes ago, Beyondspace said:

    Opps, wrong section id

    please try this for instead

    section[data-section-id="637a42a9f70bf35e38d945a8"] .gallery-caption-content {
      max-width: 33%;


    ah ok. thank you. i see it now. i like the idea, however content wise it is unfortunate now.
    i can try 50% maybe and see if i find a good average....

    if there is another solution breaking 3 rows, would be ideal. 


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