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  1. JessicaM's post in Could I get feedback on my website? was marked as the answer   
    It needs a logo!
    Once you add the logo, you can remove the "home" link in the top navigation because the logo will take people back to the homepage.
    Also I would put the Disclaimer page link in the footer... that will clean up the top navigation, make it easier for people to find stuff, and get rid of the lines wrapping in the navigation.
    The Book Appointment button - I would capitalize the word Appointment and give it a little more padding - it feels kind cramped around the text.
    Be sure the text at the top of the home page is super clear... this is the first and only opportunity you have to hook people when they land on your site. They'll decide in .05 seconds based on what they see whether or not to stick around or leave. It's a little confusing just from the top text what you offer... is this therapy? Or are you selling a course/techniques to accomplish it?
    Add some of the testimonials to the homepage.
    Just be consistent with the button capitalization... some words are capitalized, and some aren't.
    I would add a footer too... it's a good place to put the links (so people don't have to scroll back up), contact info, logo, social media logos, etc. If you don't want to add a footer, at least add a 'back to top' button.
    Most people don't read text, they skim it... if there's too much text to read, then people will skip it. Making the columns more narrow and breaking up the text (like the About Me paragraph) will make sure it's more likely to be read. The About Me section is good - you identified who you were 'before', explained the problem that led you to the solution (EFT/EC), and showed how it transformed you. Anything that shows a transformation (whether it's your story or a testimonial) is going to hook people and convert them into clients. They're landing on your website because they have a problem and are looking for you to solve it. Your own story helps to show that you've 'been there, done that' - and that you can help them too.  
    There's a pretty big open space in the middle of the About page (love the dog pic!)
    I think you'll probably get a higher convert rate for booking appointments if people can book directly on your site. Calendly is free and is a good one to use.
    Services page - some of the paragraph text is bold and some is regular... ? Also some of the text on the image is hard to read.
    Resources page - rename the url to /resources  There's lots of extra space in the sections on that page too.
    Replace the default favicon!
    Hope this is helpful... let me know if you have questions about any of it  🙂
  2. JessicaM's post in I'd really like some feedback on my website, Sydney Based Photographer (1st website..!) was marked as the answer   
    @Street Hey! Here's a few things I noticed -
    - Add a call to action button in the top navigation (like, book an appointment)
    - Since images are what you do, I would scoot that first image up so that it's right under the top navigation. Right now, there's a lot of white space before anyone sees the image, and they have to scroll to see the whole thing. You can lay the header text over the image (or put a background behind it with some opacity if you need to).
    - Remove "made by squarespace" at the bottom. (more on this here)
    - Text on a page is your opportunity to grab the reader so that they don't go anywhere. Identifying their problem and how you solve it is the best way to "hook" them. Just looking at this second section on the homepage ("natural light brings...") - what does it mean to 'step up your game' or 'one step closer to your goals'. By actually writing out what those are, people will identify with it more strongly and be more likely to take action.
    - I really like your pictures. I would consider making them a little more narrow so that they don't take up so much space vertically.
    - Change the Pinterest save so that it only shows up on blog images instead of every image on your site.
    - Include your links in the footer and your logo.
    - The "OneFlare" part looks a bit cramped too me. I think some extra space will help it to 'breathe' better.
    - On the packages... Three options is a good sweet spot so that you don't overwhelm people with too many choices.
    - Really nice pictures in the portfolio section!
    - It's great that you have a blog so you can increase your organic traffic. They can really be filled out a lot more though! Around 2500 words is a good target for getting a higher ranking in Google. (Also - on the 'preparing for a model shoot' page - the capitalization isn't consistent on the sentence that comes after the numbered bullet points)
    - Be sure URL slugs fall into the SEO guidelines... /preparing-for-a-model-shoot instead of /blog-post-title-three-4r2we
    Overall, you have a really good product that's a very high quality... now it's just about having a website that matches the same level of professionalism as your service. Reworking some the text so that you talk more about problem/solutions is a good place to start. Let me know if you have questions about any of it 🙂
  3. JessicaM's post in Is it possible to remove the second option for a checkbox field on a form? was marked as the answer   
    Click the settings for the form, click Edit Form Fields, click the question, then Options, then Edit on the top right. Then you can click the red circle and remove it 🙂
  4. JessicaM's post in How do I remove excess space around Simple List section was marked as the answer   
    Try adding this to what you have -
    .user-items-list-simple {
    padding-left: 0;
    .list-item-media {
    margin-bottom: 0;
  5. JessicaM's post in Site Critique and Wrong Logo Displayed when posting my link was marked as the answer   
    Hi @NWLarry!
    Here's a couple of things that stood out to me -
    - The navigation links on the left are wrapping. I would remove the "home" link since the logo takes people back to the home page... that will free up some space, and you can also adjust the spacing between the links so that they all fit on one line. Another option is to move the logo to the left (which will also be easier to read with the dark background) and then put the links on the right (where they'll have more space).
    - I would also put a button in the top navigation that says something like "buy prints" that links to the Etsy store (if you aren't going to have a store on this site). That way it stands out and leads people to make a purchase.
    - The "fine art photography" text at the top is a little hard to read on top of the image (nice image, btw!!). Either putting a slightly opaque background behind it (so you can still see the image), or using a thicker font would help. Adelle Sans is sort of a generic font anyways, so using a more unique font will stand out better on the site overall. Also, use contrasting fonts for headings and paragraphs.
    - On the Fan Favorites section, I would make these images horizontal instead of vertical so they show off more of the image.
    - I would remove the dates from the entries on the Journal pages. Two of them say 2019, and it gives the impression that your site isn't updated very often (even if it is).
    - I would give the footer a different color from the rest of the page so that it stands out.
    - The "my story" and "contact" links in the footer are broken. I would include Portfolio in the footer too since you have it at the top. And add your logo to the bottom.
    As for your questions:
    1. Add an image block and upload your image. Then when you drag it on the page, you can either sandwich it between the blocks of text, or if you want the text to wrap, just drop it inside the text.
    2. Go to the settings on the page you want to change the image, then click Social Image and upload the image you want to use.
    3. I would say it depends on what you're wanting to achieve. But I use the carousel a lot.
    Overall, you have gorgeous photos... now it's about having a site that matches the same level of professionalism as your photography. Start with the things mentioned above and let me know if you have questions about anything 🙂 
  6. JessicaM's post in Can't create Sticky Nav bar was marked as the answer   
    @AmateurCockroach Click "edit site header" at the top of your page. Click Edit Design. Turn on "Fixed position" and choose "basic" for Fixed Header Style. That will keep your header at the top when people scroll the page 🙂
  7. JessicaM's post in Can you create opacity gradients in Squarespace? was marked as the answer   
    @Sebastian-D You can always do it in a graphics program, like Photoshop or Figma. They've used code to do it on their site. This is the code they've used (replace 'yourimageblock' with your own) -
    -webkit-mask: radial-gradient(78.47% 67.69% at 50.07% 32.31%,#000 0%,#000 49.96%,rgba(0,0,0,.7) 69.77%,rgba(0,0,0,.12) 85.07%,transparent 100%);
  8. JessicaM's post in replace the left / right arrows of my carousel to a set of buttons was marked as the answer   
    @mggandes Here's the code -
    /* custom arrow - one image flipped - carousel */
    .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-foreground, .user-items-list-carousel .mobile-arrow-icon-background-area{
    .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-background, .user-items-list-carousel .mobile-arrow-button{ background-image:url(IMAGEURL)!important;
    background-size: cover;
    .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button--right .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-icon-background, .user-items-list-carousel .mobile-arrow-button--right{
    Go to Pages -> Website Tools -> Custom CSS and paste the code above. THEN - click Custom Files (right above where you pasted the code) and upload your icon. Then replace the words "IMAGEURL" in the code with the URL of the file that you just uploaded (put the cursor in between the parentheses, go to Custom Files, click the icon).
    Here's a video tutorial -
  9. JessicaM's post in Navigation Hover Effect - Make Links Transparent on Hover (7.1) was marked as the answer   
    @skali This should work -
    .header-nav a {
    transition: opacity .4s ease;
    opacity: 1 !important;
    .header-nav:hover a {
    opacity: .35 !important;
    .header-nav a:hover {
     opacity: 1 !important;
  10. JessicaM's post in Code to Change Blog Overview Title and Next Title to Custom Font was marked as the answer   
    @J-Flo Really nice custom font! Here's the code 🙂
    //change blog title font//
    .blog-title {
        font-family: editors note-el !important;
  11. JessicaM's post in Nervously requesting feedback on my first site build. was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Narina!
    Couple of things I noticed:
    - There are a few blocks where the text is overlapping: Why Choose Bello (the button is on top of the text) and in the footer (privacy policy/terms & conditions)
    - "review" is misspelled in the "leave us a google review" button
    - I would make the button font in the navigation Calibri so that it matches the other fonts in the header navigation.
    - I think "Connect with us" in the black section at the bottom is a button, but it's not obvious because it's black just like the background. Also,  I would widen it so that the words fit on one line instead of wrapping to 2 lines.
    - I would change the header so that it isn't fixed... right now it's taking up space as someone scrolls and you can see the words behind it on the page (see screenshot attached).
    - On the Contact page, increase the width of "contact" at the top so that it doesn't wrap the word on smaller screens.
    - Overall just check the spacing so that blocks aren't overlapping and so that there is enough padding around text so that things don't look too cramped together (like the "at bello electrical" paragraph on the homepage)
    - Also, I'm not sure what it is without doing more research, but something is causing the home page to scroll left and right.

    I can tell you've worked hard on it as there are a lot of pages you had to create. I know you said you're going to work on the copy too, but just be careful that there isn't SO much text to read that people end up not reading any of it. Having text that can be skimmed easily and that identifies the customer's problem and shows how you can fix it will go a long way with people 🙂 
    Let me know if you have questions about anything 🙂

  12. JessicaM's post in Feedback please was marked as the answer   
    Hi @btgwebb!
    Here's a few things I noticed -
    - I kept expecting an image to appear in the top section, and thought the page just hadn't loaded yet... but nope, lol. I would either add an image in this top section or at a minimum, add some more text explaining what you do. I'm just guessing by "simplifying energy switching" that you're an electric company...? If people can't tell who you are and what you do within .05 seconds of landing on your site, they'll leave.
    - The home page needs to be built out more. Think of the home page as an overview to what's to come on the rest of your site. So you can include a section of services, about, how it works, etc.
    - The Get Started button in the top right should match the other buttons on the site. The text is quite small and needs more spacing between the letters.
    - Overall, spacing between text needs to be increased. When there's too much text on a page, or it's too close together, our eyes check out and people don't read it.
    - Testimonials would go a long way on here to show others how you've benefited other customers (saved them money, etc).
    - Right off the bat on the home page, there needs to be some text identifying the customer's problem...  what problem do they have that would make them need your service? Then follow that up with some text about how your company is the solution to their problem.
    Also, if you need to extend your trial, just type /config/extendtrial after your URL and it will automatically extend it 🙂
    Let me know if you have questions about anything!
  13. JessicaM's post in Feedback on my site was marked as the answer   
    Hey @christiekdk!
    There's a lot of options in the top navigation... so much so that it's wrapping to 2 lines, plus there's additional links under More. It's a lot for someone to choose from! I would consider pairing that down quite a bit and adding a call to action button in there.
    What if instead of the "check back every Wednesday" section, you had a sign up form so people can get your blog emailed to them each week? That will increase traffic to your site since people will click on your site from their inbox instead of relying on them to remember to come to your site each week.
    Check out the spacing in the green section with the blog posts... there's quite a bit of space at the bottom and a gap between the last 2 posts.
    I'm trying to figure out how the password tracker is on brand with the other content on your site. It seems like you mostly have DIY home/beauty info (which is great), so you might not get many people signing up for a password tracker. You will probably get more conversions with an offering that is more related to the other content on your site.
    Hope that helps 🙂
  14. JessicaM's post in Embedding Booking Form Into Website Page was marked as the answer   
    @MadeByDO Use this code instead -
    <iframe style="border:0px;"
    If this works, please mark it as the solution 🙂
  15. JessicaM's post in How to add reading time to summary blocks? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @anna_baige!
    This post has all of the code to add it to the blog pages and the overview page - https://www.jessicamiller.work/blog/add-a-read-time
  16. JessicaM's post in Would welcome feedback on my website for a Quilting Guild was marked as the answer   
    Hi @DEVCHDM!
    How fun to be in a group of quilters 🙂
    There's a few simple things you can do that will help to bring the site together and make it more cohesive.
    - Make sure all buttons are a few words (like, "register here" vs "all workshops, photos, supply lists and more as info becomes available")
    - Create a logo for the top navigation.
    - Remove the "scroll down" at the top - people are going to scroll down anyways!
    - Make sure items in each section are aligned properly and aren't scattered in the section.
    - Chose two contrasting fonts for the header/paragraph text.
    - Decrease the space between the characters in the paragraph font.
    - Replace the default Squarespace favicon with your own!
    - Remove "home page" from the header - your logo/icon on the left is the link back to the home page.
    - This is just a personal preference, but I would remove the text/image fading in animation as someone scrolls the page.
    This post may be useful too - https://www.jessicamiller.work/blog/beginner-web-design-mistakes
    Let me know if you have questions about anything.
  17. JessicaM's post in I'd love your feedback on a petsitter website was marked as the answer   
    Hey @DelaneyConsultingCo!
    Love the cute dog pic at the top..and the yellow paw prints look good too. You might consider making it a solid blue background instead of having the blue paw prints..it gets a little busy.
    Since you already used the word "professional" in the white text, I would choose a different word in the paragraph right under that (where you use 'professional' again). I like that you mentioned "tourists" in there - that's a neat service that I wouldn't have thought of...and probably needed.
    Ok, I LOVE this black pug. This is a good section because you're identifying the customer's problems and how they feel...they will read this and think "yes - that's me". Good job here.
    I like the "we totally get it" font too. I would just put a little space between that and the words beneath it.
    In the 4 columns, 2 of them are missing periods at the end of the sentence. You might want to make these columns more wide..it's a little cramped.
    Explore our pet services section: Make each one of these services a hyperlink to a section about that service. There's a typo in the "extra extra" section - should be "our" instead of "out"
    The Happy clients section: They're cute pictures, but since it kind of looks like stock photos instead of actual clients (especially since there's one of each type of animal). Don't get me wrong, they're good pictures, but I'm not sure it's conveying the right message.
    Get started section: The alignment is a little off here... You could always just align the title and button to the left (in line with the numbers). But right now the button looks like it's in a weird spot. On the second point, it's not clear if you ONLY accept Venmo, or if you accept that in addition to others.
    I would spread the footer out a little more...it looks really tight right now.
    Services page - cute pic with the cat and the fish.
    The "book your pets stay" button should say "pet's"
    About page - the paragraphs for the employees aren't all the same width.
    Good design overall...you've included some design elements that took some thought/creativity that I don't see everywhere, so kudos for that. If you have questions about anything, let me know 🙂
  18. JessicaM's post in Buy one get one PDF for free was marked as the answer   
    @yay_fit Do they get to choose the free PDF? Or is it the same free PDF for every purchase? If it's the same PDF every time, then just include both PDF's in the .zip file that they get the download link for when they purchase the product.
  19. JessicaM's post in Seeking feedback on business website - why is my google page speed score so low, particularly on mobile? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @chuckEsleaze -
    Here's a few observations -
    - The pages are missing an H1 tag
    - Some pages are missing meta descriptions
    - Not all images have alt text (this could be effecting the accessibility component of your scan)
    - All of the external links need to be set to open up a new tab
    - Remove the dates on all of the quotes. They look outdated - especially the ones that go back to 2016. The words still ring true, so I would just take off the dates.
    - You could fit the header links on one row if the logo was smaller and the words weren't so long in the navigation links.
    - Some of the elements need more padding... like the testimonials at the bottom and the footer.
    Home page:
    - I would also do something different with the top image on the home page... instead of testimonials, that section should explain who they are and what they do. "Alaska's best defense attorneys" - or something. Also you'll probably need to put a box behind the text so that it can be read over the image. You can adjust the opacity of the box so that you still see the image.
    - Add more padding on "We know criminal law" section
    - On the home page, increase the width of the accordion blocks so that the text goes all the way from the left to right.
    - Our Philosophy section - the highlight looks off... it should either only be behind the bottom half of the text, or be behind the whole text (top to bottom)..it just looks weird with a tiny sliver of the text not having a box behind it. I think it would look nice to add some icons to each of these sections too.
    Let me know if you have questions about any of these 🙂
  20. JessicaM's post in Feedback is that its hard to find the videos on my site - how do I make content/navigation better was marked as the answer   
    Hi @sullisnyc!
    First off, you have some really gorgeous pictures that I would definitely play up and use to your advantage! Here's a few suggestions for navigation and general thoughts -
    - Right now there's a lot of information in the top navigation that sort of gives the feeling of, "Where do I start??". This can be fixed by adding a call to action button that speaks to what you want customers to do when they land on your site - Something like "Book Now" or "Make a Reservation". It should also be in an accent color so that it stands out. I would also take off the phone number since it's in the footer (people know to scroll to the bottom to look for the phone number). By doing those two things, your header will look a lot more eye catching and easy to navigate. (Also add the phone number to the Contact page).
    - If you have a version of your logo that includes the name, then I would add that in the header so that people know who you are.
    - You might want to break the 2 properties up into 2 sections on the home page. Each section (property) can have the video tour, images, and description with a button that takes them to the dedicated page on that property. This would put your videos in a more prominent location so that people don't have to hunt for them.
    - Definitely add some testimonials to the home page! These go a long way and it shows to people that y'all didn't just appear on the scene last night...you've been doing it a while and you're successful because you're good at what you do.
    - On most pages, everything is on a white background, but you could really add some nice visual elements by incorporating some color in the sections. I would also add more Call to Action buttons on the pages for people to book a stay. These should be all over your site because you never know at what page someone is going to say "Ok, I'm in" - so there should be a button right there instead of them having to hunt for it.
    - I would consider reducing the size of the top image on all pages. It's quite large and takes up too much real estate so that people have to scroll before they ever see any information on the page.
    - Some of the images seem to be a large file size because they take a while to load. This can negatively impact where you rank in Google. Ideally you want them under 250KB. I use https://imagecompressor.com/ to compress my images.
    - Be sure all of your images are correctly named (instead of 149321.jpg) and have alt tags - both of these can also negatively impact your Google ranking.
    - When someone lands on your site, they should be able to instantly tell who you are and what you do without scrolling. The text on the header image on the home page can be tweaked to address this. You could use the same image, have a subhead of "Palazzo del Golfo", then say "Luxury vacation homes on the coast of Sicily", and then have a button that goes to the Penthouse and a button that goes to the Apartment. That way it's clear and says to the reader, "hey we have vacation homes and here they both are".
    - On the balcony/penthouse pages, you have to scroll through quite a few images (even more scrolling if you're on mobile) before you get to the information that actually matters on the page. I would swap those (the pics and info) and probably scale back on the amount of pictures. Also there should be "Book Now" buttons instead of "Contact" buttons on these pages. The fewer amount of steps someone has to take to book something, the more bookings you will get!
    - In the Subscribe section at the bottom... very few people will submit their email address without getting anything in return. However - if you give them something in exchange for their email (like 10% off your first rental, or a pdf on the 10 best restaurants in Palazzo del Golfo), you will get WAY more email addresses. This is great too because your mailing list is the #1 way to grow your business.
    - I would beef up the footer... put your navigation links in the footer, include your logo, include a small map, etc. and give it a different color than the rest of the page.
    Aside from an updated design, I would strongly encourage implementing a booking system. People need to be able to see when a property is available, how much it is, and be able to book it right then. I can't imagine how many customers you are losing because they have to fill out a form! Most people will not take the time to fill something out.
    Let me know if you have questions about anything or need help implementing anything. You have a beautiful product, it just needs to be displayed/conveyed effectively!
  21. JessicaM's post in Make Checklist Align Vertical was marked as the answer   
    @tuanphan That didn't fix it, but I did add this code and now it looks normal. Appreciate all of your help!
      display: none;
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