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Posts posted by priorpriorwalter

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    This should remove the top padding that is pushing the menu down, and yes, it should hide the scrollbar:

    div.header-menu .header-menu--folder-list {
      padding-top:20px !important;


    Thanks @Ziggy! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be doing the trick - it's in now and looks the same, even when I try adjusting the padding size.

  2. Site URL: https://www.lapseofficialfilm.com/


    I'm helping with a friend's site and am trying to get the burger overlay to be fully visible - right now, the top of the navigation is lined up with where the burger is. I suspect this would also eliminate the scrollbar, which would be great.

    This is the custom CSS I have in place so far:

    /*navigation burger*/
    .header-burger { display:flex!important}
    .header--menu-open .header-menu {opacity: 1!important;visibility: visible!important;}
    .header-nav, .header-actions {visibility:hidden!important}
    #header #headerNav {
        display: block;
        text-align: left;
        vertical-align: bottom;
    .header-inner {
    /*burger position*/
    .header-burger {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 11px;
    /*logo height*/
    .header-title-logo img {
        max-height: 500px;

    Any and all suggestions welcome! Thanks!

  3. @Alexandradecurtis @derricksrandomviews Thank you both for your kind words! Alexandra, I ended up creating a hover effect for the logo on the splash page and agree that really helps. I'm actually the actor in question and spent many years working in graphic design but am now transitioning away from it, but I still wanted the design page to be findable to those who are looking for it. Do you think I should put the design work in the nav anyway?

    Again, thank you!

  4. Hey Kerollos!

    Love the creamsicle color scheme and how clean the site looks. I've had a similar issue highlighting multiple skill sets on the same website - you might consider having separate portfolios for your industrial design work and your UX/UI work if you've got enough projects to do that. At present, I'm not sure what the difference between "Projects" and "Work" is, so dividing by design type might be a good way to clarify.

    Additionally, you can put both up front. Especially as this is a design portfolio, I think you might benefit from a site logo rather than text, which allows you to 1) brand, 2) show off your design skills, and 3) define your identity. (I use my current website for my acting, music, and writing - a previous iteration also included graphic design work. The design work is still buried on my site, but my "identity" as an actor/musician/writer is at the front.)

    Also on your about page (check the SEO name btw, it's currently displaying as "About 4"), it's a bit tough to read the text with that animation behind it. I'm guessing that's an image card? Maybe give it a background. And the text in the sub-pages for "Work" have a lot of strategic bolding that I think is a bit tough to read as well. I myself am visually impaired so take this as you will, but there are lots of people with visual impairments out there and I think it kind to make efforts towards accessibility. 

    Hope this helps!

  5. 22 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

    You can move your built-in anna-stacy.squarespace.com domain to your new site, but first you'll need to remove it from the old site by changing the built-in Squarespace domain of the old site from anna-stacy to something else. To do this:

    1. Log on to the old site and navigate to Settings > Domains
    2. Change your built-in domain from anna-stacy to old-anna-stacy. Save the change. 
    3. Next, logon to your new site and navigate to the same panel - Settings > Domains
    4. Change your built-in domain from butterfly-bullfrog-9npa to anna-stacy.

    When you save the changes, your new site should work for both anna-stacy.squarespace.com and annastacy.com.

    Did this help? Please give feedback by clicking an icon below  ⬇️

    Amazing! Thank you so much @paul2009

  6. Site URL: https://anna-stacy.squarespace.com

    Hi all,

    I'm transitioning from my old Squarespace 7.0 site (anna-stacy.squarespace.com) to a new 7.1 site (annastacy.com) and have created 301 redirects for all pages but the splash. Unfortunately, as I can only apply a 301 to disabled pages and I can't disable the homepage, I can't make it so that going to anna-stacy.squarespace.com (old URL) takes users to annastacy.com (current URL). Any ideas for a work-around?


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