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Posts posted by cheesemuncher42

  1. 4 minutes ago, derricksrandomviews said:

    It isn't hard to do what you want. I would start with a blank blog post.  7.0 creates a totally blank page, 7.1 adds a title spot and one text block. Add a spacer and move it to the right of the text block, which will shift to the left. Click the space block and you will get the +  add on at the top of the block, add a text block and it should lay over top of it. Then you will have two blocks side by side. I did this on my site and my 7.1 sandbox site. 

    yes but the problem arises when the text blocks/headers aren't the same length, causing the things below to shift with their size difference. Maybe I am missing something or someone as skilled as you can share a secret to correct this, I'm all ears!

  2. On 3/10/2022 at 10:22 AM, derricksrandomviews said:

    What is that you want to do? What would go into the "sections?" Blog posts? Categories? Depending on what you want I might be able to help make your blog look like it has sections, similar to this:


    I'm trying to have two text blocks side by side that are formated to be an equal length in distance regardless of whether one text block has more text in it than the other. I find if one is half as long, the other side of my blog page is shifted by that difference if that makes sense.

  3. 6 hours ago, sayreambrosio said:

    Me too. I checked in and out of full screen just now on Safari and Chrome on two iPads (11 inch and 12.9 inch) an iPhone 13 and 12 and my MBP and not seeing any buffering anywhere. I wonder if it's an Apple vs Windows issue and iPhone vs Android issue.

    Interesting. Thank you for trying it on so many of your own devices, still a head scratcher but appreciate your effort!

  4. 4 hours ago, sayreambrosio said:

    The website is fine on the latest version of safari on iPhone. I looked at it on mobile view and then requested desktop view from my phone and neither one are showing what you are concerned with. Can I ask what phone you are looking at it on? It may be an issue of the platform/browser you are using.

    Android on S20 and on the desktop mobile version while editing the website. Both have the same issue on both devices. Very confusing.

  5. Site URL: https://www.auroraproperties.live/home

    Hello, my mobile site is awkwardly slightly zoomed in by default on any phone I visit the website on. It causes me to have to swipe to the left to see the button at the top right and messes up the format of multiple things on my site. What is the cause of this and how do I correct it? Thank you for anyone who lends their advice, I'm ripping my hair out trying to figure this one out.




  6. On 3/2/2022 at 12:26 PM, Caroline_Smith said:

    This is very strange. I noticed your site is using the Universal Filter plugin from SquareWebsites. I doubt that had anything to do with it because I've never seen that happen with this plugin before, but it's worth asking the plugin creator about it if no one else here has a solution: https://www.squarewebsites.org/contact

    I mentioned it to them on their slack page and it was recommended I use their summary page that is implimented via their advance map block versus a seperate summary block that's synced to the same blog source. I'm wondering if there is a way to link the thumbnails to their respective blog pages.

    If you're wondering why I'm using a seperate summary, it's simply formatted better than their plugin

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