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Posts posted by Shereese

  1. Hi, my name is Shereese and I am currently starting a safe haven for those who feel unheard, discarded, and unaccepted. Based on my own experience and the trials I had to face mentally, my goal is to inspire, encourage, and help boost the confidence in those that feel like they are the "underdogs" of society.

    I would like to do this by sharing what I've learned and how making the change mentally has finally given me a sense of happiness without the outside additives. I want to show those that have given up on themselves and the world that by going within and naming their truth they will be able to purge, heal, and discover their most truest them or "their most unicorn selves."

    It's not a perfect formula but we are human and there is no such thing as human perfection, we are all perfectly, imperfect.  

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