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Everything posted by dino_jam

  1. Thank you so much!! I've marked this as the solution, but I don't think the summary block is intended to function like this, haha. 😂 I've passed on your insight over to Support. 👍
  2. Thank you so much!! and thanks for checking, that's a bit I forgot to include - I asked a friend to check with their iPhone earlier, no issue to be seen. But they could see it on their PC with Chrome. 🤔
  3. I've reached out to SS directly. I got a response but no solutions yet. Sent a recording of the issue and waiting for another reply. If anyone has any ideas in the meanwhile, I'm down to try 'em.
  4. I see it in the live and edit views - I see it in Chrome, Edge and on Android. But I don't see it happening in Firefox.
  5. Hello! Looking for help to solve this issue for dinoberrypress.com Recently, on desktop and mobile - When loading the home page a wide horizontal scroll bar appears, but it goes away if you scroll down enough and it doesn't reappear if you scroll back up after. If you refresh, it returns. This doesn't seem to happen on other pages. Not certain if this is something I can fix or if it's a bug.
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